Finnur Jónsson (philologist)

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Finnur Jónsson

Finnur Jónsson (born May 29, 1858 in Akureyri , † March 30, 1934 in Copenhagen ) was an Icelandic Scandinavian Medievalist . Finnur was a full professor of Nordic philology at the University of Copenhagen . His scientific work has an impact to this day through his editions on the works of the Norse literatures from Saga , Edda and Skaldendichtung .

He studied in Copenhagen from 1878, where he received his doctorate in 1884 with a dissertation on skaldic poetry. There he became a lecturer in 1887. Associate Professor of Nordic Philology in 1898 and Full Professor in April 1911; Retired in 1928. In 1901 he was elected a corresponding member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and, in 1920, of the British Academy .

The main focus of Finnur Jónsson's teaching and research was the Old West Norse poetry of the early to high Middle Ages. His most important works are Den norsk-islandske skjaldedigtning , an edition of the entire body of the Skaldendichtning in two parts. Another is the Lexikon Poeticum , a dictionary of Old Norse poetry and, with Den oldnorske og oldislandske litteraturs Historie, a history of Old Norse literature.


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Individual evidence

  1. Holger Krahnke: The members of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen 1751-2001 (= Treatises of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Philological-Historical Class. Volume 3, Volume 246 = Treatises of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Mathematical-Physical Class. Series 3, volume 50). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2001, ISBN 3-525-82516-1 , p. 125.
  2. ^ Deceased Fellows. British Academy, accessed June 15, 2020 .