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The term fish-tailed is a technical term in heraldry and is used in the description of the coat of arms when people or heraldic animals are depicted from the waist down with a fish tail in the coat of arms , which can also be split, as occurs with the mermaid .

The fish-tailed figures include tritons , seahorses , fish griffins , sea ​​lions , mermaids , water women and other fantasy figures. In older heraldic writings, animals with fish tails are also called mole worms .


  • Gert Oswald : Lexicon of Heraldry. VEB Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1984.

Individual evidence

  1. Gert Oswald: Lexicon of Heraldry. VEB Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1984, p. 276.
  2. a b c Christian Samuel Theodor Bernd : The main pieces of coat of arms science. Volume 2: The general coat of arms science in teaching and application. With the author and Eduard Weber, Bonn 1849, p. 214 .