Fish processing

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Fish processing includes the production of food , feed and technical products from fish . The extraction and utilization of animal and vegetable raw materials from the world's waters is the subject of the international fishing industry . The production of food makes up a large part of the process of, feed and technical products ( fish fertilizer , isinglass ), however, only one-third to one-fourth.

Fish processing goes through the following stages:

  1. Fish production or catch (i.e. production and provision).
  2. Fish processing (manufacture of fish products ):
    • Raw material processing (fish processing such as separating the inedible parts and dividing into components or pieces and preserving depending on the purpose)
    • Processing (formation of the end product according to characteristic properties)
    • Final packaging .

After the fish have been removed from the fishing gear, inedible and less valuable parts are first separated from the fish body. Afterwards, after various sorting and cleaning processes, they are dismantled depending on their destination. The result is a differently preserved product that can be used essentially unchanged as a raw material for further processing. This section of fish processing is called raw material processing ( fish processing ) and aims to provide an upgraded intermediate product in a specific processing form (processing form) as a raw material for the production of fish products. The separation of fins , bones , intestines and heads results in large quantities of waste products. Depending on the type of fish and processing, the raw material mass is reduced to 30 to 70 percent. By-products from fish processing are fed into fertilizer and feed production; in addition, fish are specifically caught for this purpose.

The following methods of manufacture and preservation of fish products according to the "Guidelines for fish, crustaceans and molluscs and products made from them" of the German Food Book and the Austrian Food Book come into question:

Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Tülsner, Maria Koch: Technology of fish processing . 1st edition. Behr, Hamburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-89947-558-6 .
  2. Principles for fish, crustaceans and molluscs and their products. (PDF) Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, accessed on June 24, 2018 .
  3. Austrian Food Book Codex Chapter / B 35 / Fish, crabs, molluscs and products made from them. (PDF) Retrieved September 5, 2019 .