Flavius ​​Gallicanus

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Flavius ​​Gallicanus (according to legendary tradition † 362 in Alexandria ) was Roman consul in 330 . Nothing reliable is known about his life.


His person and name are considered the historical core of the Acta Sancti Gallicani saint's life . In the earlier Martyrologium Romanum , the entry under June 25 was:

"Alexandriae sancti Gallicani Martyris, viri Consularis, qui, sublimatus infulis triumphalibus et Constantino Augusto carus, a sanctis Joanne et Paulo ad Christi fidem conversus est; eaque suscepta, cum sancto Hilarino secessit ad Ostia Tiberina, atque ibi hospitalitati et infirmorum servitio totum se dedit. Cujus rei fama in toto Orbe divulgata, multi undique illuc venientes videbant virum ex Patricio et Consule lavare pauperum pedes, ponere mensam, aquam manibus effundere, languentibus sollicite ministrare et cetera pietatis officia exhibere. Ipse postmodum, sub Juliano Apostata, inde expulsus, Alexandriam perrexit; ibique, cum a Rauciano Judice sacrificare cogeretur et contemneret, ideo, percussus gladio, Christi Martyr effectus est. "
“In Alexandria [memory] of the holy martyr Gallicanus, former consul, who, honored as a victorious military leader and dear to the emperor Constantine , was converted to faith in Christ by the holy John and Paul . After he had accepted him, he went to Ostia with St. Hilarinus and devoted himself entirely to sheltering and serving the sick. When the news of this spread all over the world, many came from all over the world and saw the former patrician and consul wash the feet of the poor, prepare the table, pour water on their hands, zealously serve the weak, and other works who performed piety. After he was expelled from there soon after, under Julian the Apostate , he ended up in Alexandria. When he was urged there by the judge Raucianus to make an imperial sacrifice and refused it, he was therefore, pierced by the sword, the martyr of Christ. "

St. Gallicanus is named as the founder of the Basilica of Constantine in Ostia. During his exile in Egypt he is said to have lived as a hermit . In Rome , a small church in Trastevere and a hospital bear his name. His relics are venerated in Sant'Andrea della Valle .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Martyrologium Romanum, June
  2. ^ Translation of Rabanus Flavus
  3. Internet information (Italian)
