Florence Turner

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Florence Turner, 1916
Florence Turner, 1912

Florence Turner (born January 6, 1885 in New York City , United States , † August 28, 1946 Woodland Hills , California ) was an American actress , a screen star from the very beginning, who had produced some of his early silent films himself .


Florence Turner is considered the first female star of the American silent film named in the opening credits. The New Yorker appeared on stage for the first time at the tender age of three. In 1907 she was hired by the New York film production company Vitagraph and featured as the company's first star. Initially under the signature 'The Vitagraph Girl' and presented under her real name from the beginning of 1910, Florence Turner made leading roles in historical epics and literary adaptations such as " Macbeth", "Richard III.", "Lancelot and Elaine " and " A Tale" of Two Cities “sensation. Often in those early years, the matinee idol Maurice Costello was her partner, but also Wallace Reid , another screen heartbreaker from the time before the First World War

In 1913 Florence Turner moved to London for a few years, where she founded her own production company and continued her screen work. Your in-house director at the time was Larry Trimble . The brunette artist also appeared as an entertainer in musical halls. Apart from a temporary return to Hollywood in 1919/20, she stayed in Great Britain until 1924, after which she returned to the USA for good. In the meantime, Turner was de facto forgotten there, and other stars had long established themselves in the film industry, which had meanwhile moved from the east to the west coast. Florence Turner's career experienced a continuous decline in the late phase of the silent film, the introduction of the sound film meant the abrupt end. Nevertheless, after 1932, Florence Turner, long forgotten and impoverished, appeared sporadically in front of the camera with small roles that ensured her meager economic survival.


  • 1907: How to Cure a Cold
  • 1907: Cast Up by the Sea
  • 1907: Athletic American Girls
  • 1908: Macbeth
  • 1908: The Merchant of Venice
  • 1908: Richard III.
  • 1909: His Masterpiece
  • 1909: Kenilworth
  • 1909: Lancelot and Elaine
  • 1910: A Dixie Mother
  • 1910: Twelfth Night
  • 1910: Francesca da Rimini
  • 1911: A Tale of Two Cities
  • 1911: The Show Girl
  • 1911: Jean Rescues
  • 1911: Cherry Blossoms
  • 1911: Answer of the Roses
  • 1911: Jealousy
  • 1912: To Indian Romeo and Juliet
  • 1912: She Cried
  • 1912: Aunt's Romance
  • 1913: The Deerslayer
  • 1913: The House in Suburbia
  • 1913: Checkmated
  • 1913: Rose of Surrey (also production)
  • 1913: The Harper Mystery (also production)
  • 1914: The Murdock Trial (also production)
  • 1914: For Her People (also production)
  • 1914: Polly's Progress (also production)
  • 1915: Alone in London (also production)
  • 1915: My Old Dutch (also production)
  • 1915: Odds Against (also production)
  • 1916: doorsteps (also production)
  • 1916: Grim Justice (also production)
  • 1916: East is West (also production)
  • 1919: Fool's Gold
  • 1920: The Brand of Lopez
  • 1920: The Ugly Duckling
  • 1921: Old Wives' Tale
  • 1922: The Little Mother
  • 1923: Hornet's Nest
  • 1923: Sally Bishop
  • 1923: The Boatswain's Mate
  • 1924: Film Favorites (short films, also screenplay)
  • 1924: Women and Diamonds
  • 1924: The Hero Girl of Trenton ( Janice Meredith )
  • 1925: Mad Marriage
  • 1925: The Black Angels ( The Dark Angel )
  • 1925: Never the Twain Shall Meet
  • 1926: The Gilded Highway
  • 1926: The Last Alarm
  • 1926: Late Realization ( Padlocked )
  • 1927: Buster Keaton, the student ( college )
  • 1927: Stranded
  • 1927: The Chinese Parrot ( The Chinese Parrot )
  • 1928: Fermenting Blood ( Walking Back )
  • 1928: Protect Your Daughters ( The Road to Ruin )
  • 1928: Jazzland
  • 1929: The Iron Mask ( The Iron Mask )
  • 1929: The Kid's Clever
  • 1930: The Rampant Age
  • 1931: The Ridin 'Fool
  • 1932: The Animal Kingdom
  • 1932: Under the Sign of the Cross ( The Sign of the Cross )
  • 1933: He couldn't take it
  • 1936: Don't kiss in the cinema ( One Rainy Afternoon )
  • 1943: Night of a Thousand Stars ( Thousands Cheer )
  • 1943: Gangster hunt in Brooklyn ( Whistling in Brooklyn )


  • Kay Less : The film's great personal dictionary . The actors, directors, cameramen, producers, composers, screenwriters, film architects, outfitters, costume designers, editors, sound engineers, make-up artists and special effects designers of the 20th century. Volume 8: T - Z. David Tomlinson - Theo Zwierski. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-340-3 , p. 77.

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