Amlikon airfield

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Amlikon airfield
Amlikon airfield

47 ° 34 '27 "  N , 9 ° 2' 51"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 34 '27 "  N , 9 ° 2' 51"  E

Height above MSL 417 m (1368  ft )
Transport links
Distance from the city center 4 km west of Weinfelden
Local transport S-Bahn: Märstetten, Postbus: Amlikon Unterdorf
Basic data
opening 1963
operator Cumulus glider group, Amlikon
Start-and runway
09/27 700 m × 40 m grass

i1 i3

i7 i10 i12 i14

The airfield Amlikon ( ICAO LSPA ) is as a private gliding field ( PPR operated, only gliding) of the gliding group Cumulus, Amlikon. It is located in the canton of Thurgau in the area of ​​the municipality of Amlikon-Bissegg on the southern bank of the Thur .


The Cumulus glider group was founded in 1945 and, together with the Thurgau motor flight group, used the artillery training area “Grosse Allmend” Frauenfeld as a flying site. In 1962, the military also claimed the airfield as a tank training area, which forced motor and glider pilots to search for an airfield. Due to the different needs, in particular the glider winch launch, the groups decided on separate airfields. The Thurgau motor flight group found what they were looking for in Lommis TG, and the Cumulus glider group found a site in the Thur foreland of the municipality of Amlikon-Bissegg

In 1962 the site was leveled with own funds, a street was moved and a hangar, garage, lounge and bedroom were built. The first launch took place on May 12, 1963, and on 9/10. The official inauguration took place in July 1963.

Thanks to a federal loan, the extension with a workshop hall, hangar extension and ARA connection could be carried out in 1973/74 . With own funds, a small swimming pool and the group's own campsite were built at the same time.


  • Hangar with space for 11 mounted gliders (can be hangared individually)
  • Workshop hall
  • garage
  • Office and theory room
  • Common room
  • Sanitary wing with a small swimming pool
  • campsite

Todays use

SG Cumulus operates on weekends. In our own flight school, glider pilots are trained in accordance with the regulations of the Federal Office for Civil Aviation (FOCA). A 6-drum cable winch and two tow planes are available as starting aids .

In 1970, 1977, 1996 and 2013 the Swiss gliding championships took place at the Amlikon airfield.


  • Ernst Fischer: 50 years of the Cumulus glider group, 1945–1995. SG Cumulus, Weiningen 1995, pages 23-30.
  • Hermann Fäh: "75 years 1945-2020 chronicle of gliding in the canton of Thurgau" SG Cumulus, Amlikon 2020, ISBN 978-3-033-07428-6

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Fischer: 50 years of the Cumulus glider group, 1945–1995. SG Cumulus, Weiningen 1995, page 21

Web links