Forrest Scorpionfish

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Forrest Scorpionfish
Dracocephalum forrestii.jpg

Forrest scorpionfish ( Dracocephalum forrestii )

Family : Mint family (Lamiaceae)
Subfamily : Nepetoideae
Tribe : Mentheae
Sub tribus : Nepetinae
Genre : Scorpionfish ( Dracocephalum )
Type : Forrest Scorpionfish
Scientific name
Dracocephalum forrestii

The Forrest scorpionfish ( Dracocephalum forrestii ) is a species of scorpionfish ( Dracocephalum ) in the mint family (Lamiaceae). It is named after George Forrest (1873–1932).


The Forrest Scorpionfish is a perennial , herbaceous plant that reaches heights of between 13 and 78 centimeters. The distance between the pairs of leaves on the stem is 1 to 1.4 centimeters. At the top five to ten nodes there are pseudo whorls , each consisting of two flowers . The crown is 25 to 28 millimeters long.

The flowering period extends from August to October.


The species occurs in China in Yunnan on stony subalpine grass corridors at altitudes of 2300 to 2500 meters.


The Forrest Scorpionfish is rarely used as an ornamental plant for rock gardens.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Eckehart J. Jäger, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd K. Müller (eds.): Exkursionsflora von Deutschland . Founded by Werner Rothmaler. tape 5 : Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants . Springer, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8 , pp. 506 .

Web links

Commons : Forrest scorpionfish ( Dracocephalum forrestii )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files