Research center for legal questions relating to university and administrative modernization

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Research center for legal questions of university and administrative modernization (in short: ReH..Mo)
Research center for legal questions of university and administrative modernization (in short: ReH..Mo)
Research center for legal questions relating to university and administrative modernization
Carrier: University of Passau , Chair of Public Law, Security Law and Internet Law
Seat of the wearer: Passau , Germany
Management: Dirk Heckmann

The Research Center for Legal Issues of University and Administrative Modernization (ReH..Mo) of the University of Passau sees itself as an independent research and advisory institution for administration, universities and companies on the way to a more modern, more efficient, service-oriented and resource-saving state administration.



New budget management, new legal forms, partial privatization , mergers, handling of entire faculties or administrative areas, implementation of the Bologna Process , accreditation, use of new media in teaching ( e-learning ) and administration ( e-government ), new financing ( public-private partnership , fundraising , Contract research), the introduction of tuition fees or tolls are only some of the key points here. This modernization process raises numerous legal questions, especially since it is often breaking new legal ground.


This radical structural change was the starting point for the establishment of a research center that deals with the legal issues that arise in a scientific and practice-oriented manner. ReH..Mo was opened on April 14, 2005 in Passau with the participation of the then head of the Bavarian State Chancellery, Erwin Huber . The initiator and head of ReH..Mo is Dirk Heckmann , who holds the chair for public law, security law and internet law at the University of Passau and is a member of the Bavarian Constitutional Court .

Research goals

ReH..Mo is so far unique in its objective. In a new way, the research center combines legal issues and organizational-technical guidelines (focus: legally compliant e-government ) and (as reference areas) universities and (state) administration (both of which have comparable modernization potential). The stated goal is to overcome unnecessary legal hurdles on the way to a more modern, more efficient, service-oriented and resource-efficient university (in particular) and state administration (in general).


The special focus is on the following aspects:

  • Interdisciplinarity: ReH..Mo deals with questions of modernization law with reference to IT, economics and organizational psychology.
  • Internationality: ReH..Mo compares the relevant questions of modernization law with experiences abroad (especially at the partner faculties on all continents).
  • Communication and cooperation: The research projects and results are communicated via a web-based platform right from the start. The aim is to create an international, virtual research network.
  • Customer and service orientation: ReH..Mo sees itself primarily as a service facility.
  • Practice and company orientation : Research at ReH..Mo is not an end in itself, but should overcome legal hurdles so that the modernization processes can be carried out in practice.
  • Future orientation: With a view to future developments, legal questions should be clarified and thus added value in the future administrative structure.

Job profile

Current research topics are IT outsourcing in the public sector, IT security in public business processes, online justice, e-learning in the public sector and the development of a “Prego” certificate: “Approved legally compliant e-government application”. As far as the latter is concerned, ReHMo would like to establish itself together with the Innovationszentrum Rechts Sicherheit egovernment eV as the first national certification body for legally compliant e-government. Innrego eV in turn cooperates with the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS), which contributes the technological know-how.


Dirk Heckmann is the head of the research center . Florian Albrecht acts as managing director . The areas of competence are divided into the sections constitutional law and security law, university law, data protection law as well as IT security and internet law.


  • UNIvers21: The UNIvers21 project aims to clarify the legal issues that have arisen at the interface between the university and information technology in the 21st century.
  • eLMa: The eLearning Management Legal Issues (eLMaR) project is dedicated to the fields of rights management and legal advice .
  • eL®ex: The eL®ex project complements the eLMaR project and provides the necessary transparency and sustainability through information technology and media didactic processing in the form of a virtual legal dictionary.
  • Justin: On April 1, 2005, the so-called Justice Communication Act came into effect. This law allows lawyers, prosecutors, administrations and courts to submit all documents relevant to a court case by email.
  • Valentin: As part of the Valentin administrative delimitation in the network project , we are investigating what significance and justification responsibilities in the administrative area still have in the age of modern communication media and what tasks must or can still be performed by the public sector ( outsourcing ).


The consulting services from ReH..Mo are primarily aimed at state and private universities and administrative institutions. If there is a corresponding reference to the core competence of the research center, private companies are also advised.


Every year the research center organizes a symposium at which the latest developments and research results are presented with regard to a current topic.

  • 6th ReH..Mo Symposium 2011: The 6th ReH..Mo Symposium will take place on April 7th and 8th, 2011 on the topic of Smart Life: Chances and Risks of a Totally Digitized Everyday Life . The focus of the 6th International ReH..Mo Symposium is a topic that the Federal Government also gave top priority at the 5th National IT Summit on December 7, 2010 in Dresden: the complete digitization of everyday life, illuminated from perspective the user, the economy and the state. The innovative strength of the smart life affects all areas of life. An economic potential of unimagined proportions is already emerging. At the same time, however, concerns are expressed which aim to guarantee the informational self-determination of the potential users and which deal with questions of (data) security, transparency and controllability of the new technologies. The thematic range of the symposium as well as the high-ranking guests from politics, administration and business give the opportunity to gain a sound insight into the enormous design potential of smart technologies and the relevant legal framework.
  • 5th ReH..Mo Symposium 2010: The last ReH..Mo Symposium took place on April 29th and 30th, 2010 on the subject of civil rights after the digital revolution, freedom - security - indifference? instead of. Scientists and practitioners from home and abroad discussed highly topical issues again this time. Is privacy a value, a pawn or a business model? The question of "trustworthy IT" is currently one of the most pressing problems. What role do data protection and copyright play in an apparently unbounded virtual space? What protection does the digital personality of internet users enjoy? How does our legal culture develop when personal data, as perpetual values, becomes an increasingly valuable currency?

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. A summary of the discussion results can be viewed here