Fort Wadsworth

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Overview map with the protected areas
Battery Weed at Fort Wadsworth

Fort Wadsworth is a former fortification on Staten Island in New York City . It is located on The Narrows and protected the city of New York from raids.

The first fortification took place in 1663. In 1776 the fortification was taken by the British and remained in their hands until the end of the American War of Independence . The entire complex was divided into several individual fortifications such as Fort Tompinks and Fort Richmond . In 1864 the entire complex was named Fort Wadsworth in honor of Brigadier General James S. Wadsworth , who died in the Battle of the Wilderness during the Civil War . In 1913, in the presence of President William Howard Taft, the foundation stone was laid for the American Indian Memorial , which was never completed due to a lack of money and the outbreak of the First World War.

In 1924 the fort was converted into an infantry barracks. From 1948 to 1952 the headquarters of the 102nd Anti-Aircraft Brigade of the New York National Guard was located here , this unit was replaced by the 52nd Anti-Aircraft Brigade in 1952. The task of these units was to coordinate the Nike Hercules batteries, which were intended for the air defense in the New York area.


In addition to the regular tours offered by the National Park Administration, annual events also take place at Ford Wadsworth. On the one hand, the fort is the starting point of the annual New York City Marathon , in which over 50,000 runners take part every year, and on the other hand, it is the destination of the Five Boro Bike Tour . After a distance of 40 kilometers through all five boroughs of New York, a big party is always celebrated at the finish in the fort.

Web links

Commons : Fort Wadsworth  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence


Coordinates: 40 ° 36 ′ 5 ″  N , 74 ° 3 ′ 30 ″  W.