Early swimmers

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The early swimmer is a preparatory swimming qualification and is not yet proof of safe swimming, so that intensive observation of the swimmer is still necessary. Colloquially it is called seahorse in Germany and penguin in Austria because of the swimming badge .


Seahorse early swimmer badge

In Germany, the examination performances are laid down in the "German Swimming Examination Regulations". It is published by the swimming associations involved in the Federal Association for the Promotion of Swimming Education (BFS). The services for adults and children are the same. Up to the age of 17 one receives the early swimmer badge - seahorse -, from 18 years the beginner's certificate for adults.

Requirements (since January 1, 2020):

  • Knowledge of bathing rules
  • Jump from the edge of the pool followed by a 25 m swim in a prone or supine position (coarse, exhale into the water while swimming in a prone position)
  • Picking up an object with your hands from shoulder-deep water (shoulder depth related to the test item)

The next level after the early swimmer or the beginner's certificate is the age-independent German swimming badge in bronze. Until 2019, children and young people could take off the youth swimming badge. In the GDR, too, the swimming badges (basic and three proficiency levels) could already be awarded to children.


Early swimmer badge penguin

In Austria, the Austrian Water Rescue Association requires the following services from aspiring early swimmers regardless of age:

  • Jump from the edge of the pool into the water
  • 25 m swimming in any swimming style
  • Knowledge of five bathing rules


The Swiss swim tests are a comprehensive methodological and didactic concept for learning to swim. They are published by the association “swimsports.ch”, the association of associations and institutions in Switzerland interested in swimming: the Swiss Swimming Association, the Swiss Lifesaving Society and the “Youth + Sport” organization of the Federal Office for Sport FOSPO . swimsports.ch awards various swimming badges .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Federal Association for the Promotion of Swimming Training (Ed.): German Swimming Examination Regulations (with Rescue Examination Regulations) . Bad Nenndorf December 2019 ( bfs-schwimmausbildung.de [PDF; 3.2 MB ; accessed on January 9, 2020]).
  2. Early swimmers. In: schwimmabzeichen.at. ARGE Österreichisches Wasserrettungswesen, accessed on January 9, 2020 .
  3. ^ The Swiss tests in swimming. In: swimsports.ch. swimsports.ch, accessed on January 9, 2020 .