Question particle

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Question particles are inflexible words or parts of words that introduce or end a question or are within the question, but are not themselves a question word . Very often they mark questions that can be answered with yes or no . In German they only exist in a few dialects.

Examples of German dialects:

  • Carinthian : A who is called? ; A You've ka money? (Note the lack of inversion in decision-making questions. The particle a is of Slovenian origin, see list below.)
  • Upper Austrian : Wås tuast dånn , wånn i amål stiràb? (What do you do if I die once; from mhd. , note the position of the particles)

In German colloquial language "ob" is sometimes used as a question particle:

  • Will you help me : Will you help me?

Examples in other languages:

  • Ancient Greek : Ἆρα εἶ Ἀρχίλοχος; (Are you Archilochus?)
  • Arabic : هَل (hal)
  • Biblical Hebrew Ha Ephraimi atta? (Are you an Ephraimite?), So-called "He interrogativum".
  • Esperanto : Ĉu vi havas tempon? (Do you have time?)
  • Gothic : Ga u laubjast? (Do you think ?; to Inf. Glaubjan )
  • Standard Chinese : 你 喜欢 我 ? ( Pinyin Nǐ xǐhuān wǒ ma ?, Do you like me?)
  • Irish : An dtiocfaidh tú inniú? (Are you coming today?)
  • Japanese : 何時 で す ( Rōmaji Nan'ji desu ka ?, What time is it?)
  • Klingon : choyaj 'a' ? (Do you understand me?)
  • Croatian : Hoćeš li danas doći? (Are you coming today?)
  • Latin : Dicis ne linguam latinam? (Do you speak the latin language?)
  • Lithuanian : Ar esi ten buvęs? (Have you been there?)
  • Lojban : .i xu do se bangu la lojban ( do you speak Lojban?)
  • Polish : Czy tam byłeś? (Have you been there?)
  • Russian : ли (li) - Был ли ты когда-нибудь в Германии? ( Byl li ty kogda-nibud 'w Germanii? ) (Have you ever been to Germany?)
  • Bulgarian : ли (li)
  • Serbian : Da li ćeš danas doći? (Are you coming today?)
  • Slovenian : A (li) boš prišel? (Are you coming?)
  • Thai : ไป ไหน? (Bpai mai?) (Are you coming?)
  • Czech (upscale, out of date): Jestlipak jsi tam byl? (Have you been there?)
  • Turkish : Orada ydın? (Have you been there?)

In some languages, the use of question particles is mandatory, e.g. B. in Turkish, which therefore knows no intonation questions and also no inversion (swapping subject and predicate for the purpose of forming questions).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinz-Dieter Pohl: Slovenian in Carinthian. Retrieved June 9, 2020 .