Franciscus Duarenus

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Franciscus Duarenus (actually: Duarein , Latinized: Franciscus Duarenus , also: François Douaren ) (* 1509 near Saint-Brieuc ; † July 23, 1559 in Bourges ) was a French legal scholar and professor at the University of Bourges.


The son of the judge Johann Duarenus studied at the University of Paris under Guillaume Budé and in Bourges. Then Douaren worked as a lawyer for the Parlement of Paris. In 1538 he was called to Bourges. After a violent dispute with Baro, he resigned his office and did not return until 1551 after Baro's death.

Like his compatriots Jacques Cujas , François Hotman and Hugues Doneau , who were also known under the heading of “elegant jurists”, Douaren is considered to be one of the leading representatives of the legal and humanistic school of thought with regard to Roman law in Europe. These sixteenth-century law professors borrowed from the philological methods of Italian humanists on legal texts. It was their aim to bring about a better historical understanding of the Roman “Corpus Iuris Civilis” (Roman civil law).

In addition to numerous comments on the corpus, Douaren wrote an authoritative commentary on the Roman law of obligations in 1544, the "Commentarius de pactis", which had a lasting influence on modern theories of the law of obligations. His study program "De ratione docendi discendique iuris epistola", begun in 1544, was the first undertaking of French humanists to train Gallic law (" mos gallicus "). The core contents - language studies, introductory courses on Justinian law, methodical approach to the corpus - have been adopted by most of the European law faculties.


Disputationes anniversariae , 1573


  • Wilfrid Vogt: Franciscus Duarenus, 1509–1559 - His didactic reform program and its significance for the development of civil law dogmatics . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1971 (dissertation on Douaren's life and work)
  • Jochen Otto: Duaren, François . In: Michael Stolleis (Ed.): Juristen: a biographical lexicon; from antiquity to the 20th century . 2nd Edition. Beck, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-406-45957-9 , p. 186.
  • D. Francisci Duareni IC celeberrimi omnia quae quidem hactenus edita fuerunt opera . Frankfurt 1592
  • Duarenus, Franciscus. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 7, Leipzig 1734, column 1525-1527.