France Équinoxiale

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France Équinoxiale was the temporary name given to the colonization attempts of France in the 17th century in South America . The name refers to the region of the earth around the equator , because at this time the term "tropical" had not yet gained its modern meaning: equinox means "same night" in Latin , i. H. equatorial, where days and nights are almost the same length all year round.

The French colonial empire in the New World also included New France ( Nouvelle France ) in North America , mainly the present-day Canadian province of Québec , and France Antarctique , present-day Rio de Janeiro . All of these settlements violated the papal bull of 1493 that divided the New World between Spain and Portugal. This division was later referred to more precisely as the Treaty of Tordesillas .

The history of France Équinoxiale began in 1612 when a French expedition left Cancale in Brittany . Under the leadership of Daniel de la Touche , Seigneur de la Ravardière, 500 settlers landed on the north coast of what is now the Brazilian state of Maranhão . De la Ravardière had discovered the region in 1604, but the king's death had for the time being thwarted his plans for colonization.

The colonialists soon founded a settlement in honor of the holy French king Louis XIII. received the name Saint Louis . In Portuguese, the name later became São Luís , the city became the only capital of a Brazilian state founded by the French. On September 8, the Capuchins celebrated the first mass, the soldiers began building a fort. An important difference to France Antarctique is the motivation; the former colony was founded by religious refugees (Protestants).

The colony did not last long, however. An army was assembled in the state of Pernambuco , which defeated and expelled the French settlers under the command of Alexandre de Moura . This happened in 1615, less than four years after the arrival of the colonialists. In this sense, the disaster that struck the settlers in France Antarctique in 1567 was repeated here . In 1620, numerous Portuguese and Brazilian colonialists came to São Luís , which slowly began to grow. The industry was mainly based on sugar cane and slavery .

French traders and settlers tried in 1626, 1635 and 1643 to build a new France Équinoxiale, where French Guiana is today. A Compagnie de la France Équinoxiale was founded twice (1643 and 1645), but both attempts ended in disasters. It was not until 1674 that the French crown and a competent governor managed to gain a permanent foothold in South America. French Guiana is still part of France today .

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