Francesco Pianzola

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Francesco Pianzola

Francesco Pianzola (born October 5, 1881 in Sartirana Lomellina , Italy , † June 4, 1943 in Mortara (Lombardy) , Italy) was an Italian priest and founder of the order . He was beatified by the Catholic Church in 2008 .


Francesco Pianzola was ordained a priest in 1907 and was appointed Rector of the Sanctuary of the Immaculate Virgin Mary in Vigevano . In 1908 he founded the Oblates of the Immaculate Virgin Mary (it .: Padri Oblati diocesani dell'Immacolata) for the purpose of popular mission and youth work. Its members lived in communities without vows . On May 8, 1919, he founded the Congregation of Missionaries of the Immaculate Queen of Peace (it .: Suore Missionarie dell'Immacolata Regina della Pace , also called Suore Pianzoline ) as a female branch of his work. The Suore Pianzolines expanded into Europe and into Latin America and Africa, where they still operate today. In addition, Francesco Pianzola founded numerous prayer groups and other sodalitia . Even during his lifetime he was called the Apostle of Lomellina , the region southwest of Milan.

Francesco Pianzola was beatified on October 4th, 2008 in Vigevano . His feast day in the liturgy is June 4th .

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