Francisco Javier Escalante plan card

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Francisco Javier Escalante Plancarte (* 1887 in Morelia , Michoacán , † March 3, 1972 in Mexico City ) was a Mexican philosopher, engineer and astronomer . Escalante crater on the planet Mars is named after him.


At a young age Escalante was interested in astronomy and planetary observation and acquired basic knowledge. In 1905, at the age of 18, he joined the Sociedad Astronómica de México ( Astronomical Society of Mexico ).

From 1907 he studied in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University (formerly Universidad Colegio Romano ) and from 1916 worked at the Tacubaya Observatory belonging to the National Autonomous University of Mexico . Around 1930 Escalante discovered an impact crater on the planet Mars near the Martian equator , which was named after him by the International Astronomical Union in 1973 .

In 1963 he was co-author of the book El Planeta Marte , which describes the surface of Mars, its contrasts, changes in the atmosphere and its topography .


  1. ^ A b Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature Feature Information
  2. ^ Debus, Allen G .: World Who's Who in Science . 2nd Edition. Western Publishing Company, Hannibal, Montana 1968, New York 1973.
  3. Blunck, Jürgen: Mars and its satellites: a detailed commentary on the nomenclature . Exposition Press, 1977, ISBN 978-0-682-48676-7 , pp. 200 .