Frank Lorenz Müller

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Frank Lorenz Müller (* 1970 ) is a German historian .


He passed the state examination at the Free University of Berlin in 1996 and the DPhil in Oxford in 2000 . Since 2002 he has taught as Professor of Modern History at the University of St Andrews .

His research focuses on nationalism, liberalism, imperialism, militarism, foreign policy, biography, and the role of the monarchy throughout the 19th century.

Fonts (selection)

  • Our Fritz. Emperor Frederick III and the political culture of imperial Germany . Harvard University Press, Cambridge 2011, ISBN 978-0-674-04838-6 ;
    • German edition, translated from English by Sibylle Hirschfeld: Der 99-Tage-Kaiser. Friedrich III. of Prussia - prince, monarch, myth . Siedler, Munich 2013, ISBN 3-8275-0017-6 .
  • Liberal “people's emperor” and “high-spirited warrior”. The myths about Emperor Friedrich III. (= Friedrichsruher contributions, volume 42). Otto von Bismarck Foundation, Friedrichsruh 2012, ISBN 978-3-933418-48-7 .
  • The revolution of 1848/49 . WBG, Darmstadt 2012, ISBN 978-3-534-24584-0 .
  • The heir to the throne. Power and future of the monarchy in the 19th century . Siedler, Munich 2019, ISBN 978-3-8275-0071-7 .

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