Frankie Campbell

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Frankie Campbell boxer
Birth Name Francisco Camilli
Fight name Frankie Campbell
Weight class Heavyweight
nationality US-american
birthday 1904
place of birth Hibbing
Date of death August 25, 1930
Place of death San Francisco
Combat Statistics
Struggles 40
Victories 33
Knockout victories 26th
Defeats 4th
draw 2
No value 1

Frankie Campbell (* 1904 as Francisco Camilli in Hibbing , Minnesota , † August 25, 1930 in San Francisco ) was an American professional boxer of Italian descent.

Boxing match death

Campbell played his last fight on August 25, 1930 in San Francisco against the eventual world champion Max Baer . After Campbell had to take very hard hits in the 5th round, he collapsed. Already in the boxing ring the doctors present tried to resuscitate Frankie Campbell for more than 30 minutes, but he died a few hours later in the hospital of a traumatic brain injury . The referee of the bout was later accused of failing to stop the bout in time, even when Campbell was already hanging unconscious on the ropes. He was suspended. After the death, Max Baer seriously considered quitting boxing. As a result, he supported the survivors of Campbell financially, so he paid u. a. for the education of its children.

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