Franz-Josef Nocke

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Franz-Josef Nocke (born November 27, 1932 in Bochum ) is a Roman Catholic , German theologian .

From 1953 to 1965 Nocke studied Roman Catholic theology , philosophy and German at the University of Paderborn , the University of Innsbruck , the Universities of Münster , Munich and Paris . He did his doctorate with Michael Schmaus . After his ordination in 1965 and pastoral work as chaplain in Essen and student chaplain in Gelsenkirchen , Nocke was Professor of Systematic Theology at the Gerhard Mercator University in Duisburg from 1981 to 1993 and at the University of Essen from 1993 to 1998 .

Works (selection)

  • L'Amour, la Mort et l'Espérance. Conférences données au Liban , Jounieh / Beirut (Lebanon) 2008
  • What can we hope for? Changing future perspectives , Würzburg 2007
  • Say yes to age. Impulses from Faith , Munich 2007
  • Love, death and resurrection. The center of the Christian faith , Munich 2005
  • Eschatology , Düsseldorf 2005
  • Chance to Live - Penance and the Sacrament of Penance ( Correspondence Theology), 2004
  • Who confesses who speaks the creed today? (together with Reiner Anselm ), Regensburg 2000
  • Sacraments Theology , Düsseldorf 1997
  • Word and gesture. Understanding the Sacraments , Munich 1985

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ University of Essen: Franz-Josef Nocke