Franz-Xaver Staudigl

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Franz-Xaver Staudigl (born March 27, 1925 , † October 10, 2009 ) was a German local politician and local writer.



Staudigl was elected mayor of the Upper Palatinate market in Beratzhausen in 1956 with 51.5 percent of the vote . At the age of 31 he was the youngest mayor in Bavaria at the time of his election. He remained in this office until the local elections in 1984. During his tenure, the municipality managed to transition from a rural market town to a prosperous residential and business location in the outskirts of Regensburg. In addition to the settlement of numerous companies, tourism was built up and Beratzhausen received state recognition as a resort. Furthermore, during his tenure in 1961, a main road was named after the NSDAP district leader Josef Albrecht. On January 1, 2011, the street was renamed due to this past.

As part of the municipal reorganization, the municipalities of Mausheim and Rechberg joined Beratzhausen at the beginning of 1972, and six months later the municipality was incorporated into the district of Regensburg. Shaped by his own experiences in the Second World War and striving for reconciliation, he pushed for the establishment of a partnership with the French city of Ceyrat . For the lively development of this partnership, the municipality was honored with the European diploma, the European flag and finally with the title of European Community .

Local writer

The connection to his hometown, the Labertal and its history was central to his actions. For the 1100th anniversary in 1966 he commissioned the elaboration of a local chronicle. He later published articles about his homeland in the local newspaper. The local history dictionary , which he published in 1996 , was created from these contributions .

In addition, a literary work was created that includes several biographies, poems and prose texts. They are characterized by a strong bond with his home in the Labertal. Some of his poems were set to music by the composers Jens Joneleit and Ernst Kutzer . On the occasion of his 80th birthday, a hiking trail named after him was set up along the Laber , on which signs with his poems were placed.


  • Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • 1990: Appointment as former mayor
  • March 1995: Honorary citizen of the Beratzhausen market
  • 2005: Designation of the Franz-Xaver-Staudigl hiking trail


  • Beratzhausen Christmas , 1976
  • Beratzhausen sketches , 1978
  • Workshop time , 1981
  • Texts about love , 1988
  • Descriptions , 1993
  • Christmas Gallery , 1993
  • Markt Beratzhausen, A guide through landscape, history and culture , 1993 (together with Dietmar Kuffer)
  • Local history dictionary of the Beratzhausen market , 1996


  • Jens Joneleit : Monddunstland (1997). Seven songs for medium voice and piano. Premiere October 10, 1998 Beratzhausen (Zehentstadel; Verena Schwer [soprano], Eva Herrmann [piano])
1.  The sun is rising towards the turning point - 2.  Summer on the Jura plateau - 3.  Summer night in the Jura - 4.  Forest pond - 5.  Autumn forest path - 6.  Snowfall in the twilight - 7.  Winterland in the Jura
  • Ernst Kutzer : Songs of Sehnsucht for voice and piano. Premiere 1997 Beratzhausen (Zehentstadel)
1.  Letter full of longing - 2.  I know - 3.  Thoughts in the night - 4.  You are away


  • Christine Riedl-Valder: Beratzhausen sketches , in: Oberpfälzer Heimatspiegel 2010
  • Michael Eibl: Beratzhausen bows to its honorary citizen
  • Dietmar Kuffer: Memories of the Ehrenfelser Land 2012

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