Franz Holzheu

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Franz Holzheu (born March 9, 1937 in Leuterschach ; † June 25, 2006 ) was a German economist and university professor . From 1977 to 2002 he held the chair for economics at the Technical University of Munich .


Franz Holzheu was a student and assistant to Hans Möller at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In 1965 he received his doctorate on the subject of "Regional growth and interregional capital movements". He completed his habilitation in 1970 with the thesis "Asset Dispositions, Credit Markets and International Capital Movements" and in 1971 was appointed to the Technical University of Berlin . In 1977 he followed a call to the Technical University of Munich. There he held the chair for economics for 25 years until his retirement in 2002 .

He held several positions within the faculty: 1986 to 1988 Dean , 1992 to 1994 Vice Dean, 1983 to 1989 Chairman of the AWA Examination Committee («Advanced Industrial and Economic Studies», predecessor course of today's MBA).

The main research areas were European economic and financial policy. Holzheu was a co-signer of the Euro-critical manifesto The Monetary Policy Decisions of Maastricht: A Danger for Europe (1992).


  • Society and Insecurity . VVW, Karlsruhe 1987, ISBN 3-88487-122-6 .
  • Knut Borchardt, Franz Holzheu (Ed.): Theory and Politics of International Economic Relations: Hans Moller for his 65th birthday. Fischer, 1980, ISBN 3-437-50248-4 .
  • Asset management, credit markets and international credit relationships. Mohr (Siebeck), 1971, ISBN 3-16-332781-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar (digital)
  2. see list of signatories for the online reproduction of the manifesto in the economic blog Wirtschaftliche Freiheit , blog entry from December 11, 2016; accessed July 12, 2020.