Franz Pacher (entrepreneur)

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Portrait Franz Pacher (2014)

Franz Pacher (born April 16, 1950 in Villach ) is an Austrian entrepreneur and former President of the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce .


Franz Pacher attended secondary school in Klagenfurt from 1960 to 1964 . From 1964 to 1967 he was a student at the Villach Business School before starting an apprenticeship as a baker in the Haidenthaller bakery in Salzburg . He completed this in 1970. In 1972 he successfully passed the master's examination.

Professional career

Parental business

After his master craftsman examination in 1972, he took over his parents' business in Villach . This was founded in 1884 by his great-grandmother Maria Pacher and consisted of both a mill and a black bread bakery. Franz Pacher expanded the traditional family business into a modern bakery with six locations. Since it was not possible to continue the business within the family, he separated from this company in 1995. However, he is still the owner of the "Café-Bäckerei Franz Pacher" in Villach.

Carinthia Chamber of Commerce


In 1975 he became involved for the first time in representing the interests of the commercial economy, initially as a member of the state guild of bakers. Due to his commitment to his professional colleagues, he was entrusted four years later with the function of the deputy guild master of the national guild of bakers.
Franz Pacher recognized the need for strong lobbying for local businesses early on. The logical consequence of this was his move to the section presidium of the trade and crafts division. From 1993 to 1999 he headed the Trade and Crafts Section of the Carinthian Chamber of
Commerce as Section Chairman. Pacher saw his main tasks as creating an entrepreneur-friendly environment for commercial operations in Carinthia, familiarizing them with the latest know-how and offering them the best possible service.

President of the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce

Due to this successful branch activity, master baker Franz Pacher was given the office of President of the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce on June 9, 1999. He held this office for three terms until 2014.

Projects and Achievements

During his tenure as President of the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce, Franz Pacher played a key role in shaping Carinthia as a business location . By initiating and carrying out numerous projects, he managed to expand the representation of interests into a modern service company. Economic Development Institute | Here is just a selection of the projects initiated and implemented under his presidency:

  • Establishment of the WiFi technology center, Klagenfurt
  • Construction of Silicon Wifi, Klagenfurt
  • Expansion and renovation of the Völkermarkt, Wolfsberg and Spittal / Drau district offices
  • Establishment of the Europe-wide unique test and training center (TAZ) for professional orientation for young people
  • Entrepreneurship offensive
  • Expansion of the service quality of the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce through the establishment of the service center and the business lounge
  • Regular survey of WK members
  • Funding for management consultancies
  • Initiation of the export offensive
  • Entrepreneur protection package (legal protection package for entrepreneurs)

Political functions

Franz Pacher also took over political functions in Carinthia over the years. From 1985 to 1996 he was a city ​​councilor in the Villach city senate. During this time he was also city party chairman of the ÖVP Villach from 1985 to 1995 . Franz Pacher has also been chairman of the Carinthian Economic Association since 2000. And since 2007 deputy chairman in the Austrian Economic Association .

Awards and honors

social commitment

Franz Pacher is also involved as a member of the Villach-Fellach volunteer fire brigade and the Bauerngman Villach, a non-profit association for the promotion of customs and the support of Villach citizens in need.


  1. unknown: Teaching course around 5.5 million in Klagenfurt. In: Small newspaper. July 16, 2010, accessed June 24, 2014 .
  2. unknown: circuit training for new professions. In: Small newspaper. September 13, 2011, accessed June 24, 2014 .
  3. Robitsch / Sternig: Export: Carinthian offensive continues. In: Province of Carinthia. September 24, 2013, accessed June 24, 2014 .
  4. unknown: Pacher re-elected as the Carinthian Economic Federation Chairman. In: Small newspaper. June 6, 2009, accessed June 24, 2014 .
  5. unknown: Change of leadership in the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce. In: Tyrolean daily newspaper. July 2, 2014, accessed March 8, 2020 .
  6. - "Einplayerpreis" for WK President Pacher . Article dated December 5, 2009, accessed March 21, 2015

Web links