Franz Ruschka

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Franz Ruschka (born November 8, 1882 in Vienna ; † May 10, 1942 there ) was an Austrian entomologist and lawyer who researched wild bees and wasps in Upper Austria .


Ruschka was born the son of an insurance employee in Vienna. From 1901 to 1905 he studied law at the University of Vienna and received his doctorate in 1906. He was appointed notary in 1917 and worked as a notary in Weyer from 1918 to 1932 , then in Vienna. He carried out his research in the field of insects parallel to his professional activity. He wrote most of his 18 publications in Weyer.


Ruschka dealt with the biology and systematics of the micro- Hymenoptera (hymenoptera), especially with the ore ( Chalcidoidea ) and brackish wasps ( Braconidae ). He also has some new species described and created an extensive collection, which according Horn & Kahle since 1926 in the Natural History Museum in Vienna is.


  • About educated chalcidia from the collection of the kk agricultural-bacteriological and plant protection station in Vienna . In: Negotiations of the Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna . 62nd volume (1912), pp. 238–246 online (PDF; 721 kB)
  • with August Thienemann : On the knowledge of the water hymenoptera . In: Journal of Scientific Insect Biology . 9th Volume (1913), pp. 48-52, 82-87
  • with Leopold Fulmek : Directory of the parasitic Hymenoptera raised at the KK plant protection station in Vienna . In: Journal of Applied Entomology . 2nd Volume (1915), pp. 390-412
  • A new Eurytoma from the cocoons of Monema flavescens Walk. (Hym., Chalcid) . Ent. Mitt. 7 (7/9), 1918, pp. 161-162
  • Elasmus Schmitti n. Sp., A new Chalcidier from Polistes gallicus L. Z.wiss.InsektBiol. 15, p. 1919, p. 231
  • Chalcidid studies . I. part. In: Negotiations of the Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna. Volume 70 (1920), pp. 234–315 online (PDF; 4.7 MB)
  • Chalcidid Studies . II part. The European species of the genus Smicra Spin, Zeitschr. f. scientific insect biology
  • New and little-known chalcidids from the Wachtl collection , Zentralbrl. fd tot. Forestry. 1921
  • On the morphology and systematics of the grain beetle chalcidier Lariophagus distinguendus Först . Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 7, 1921, pp. 463-465
  • Chalcidid Studies . III. Part. The European species of the genus Chalcis Fabr., Konowia Bd. 1, H. 4–5. 1922. pp. 221-233
  • A strange new genus of braconids . Arch. Natural History 88 (5), 1922, pp. 138-139
  • Contributions to the knowledge of some genera of Encyrtide (Hym. Chalcid.) . In: Negotiations of the Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna. 72nd volume (1922), pp. 1–13 online (PDF; 974 kB)
  • Two new chalicidiers made from spruce cones . In: Journal of Applied Entomology. 8th Volume (1922), pp. 161-162
  • A new wood beetle parasite from the Cleonymini Schmiedekn tribe. (Hym., Chalcididae) . Ent. Mitt. 12 (3/4), 1923, 198-201
  • Chalcidid studies . IV. Part. The European species with Monodontomerus Westw. related genres, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie, Volume 9, Issue 2, 1923, pp. 395-408
  • Chalcidid Studies . V. part. The European-Mediterranean Eucharidinae and Perliampinae (Hym.Chalc.) German. Ent. Magazine 1924. pp. 82-96
  • Results of the zoological expedition to the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (Kordofan) 1914. XIII. Hymenoptera C. Chalcididae . Denkschr.Akad.Wiss.Wien 99, 1924, pp. 99-100
  • Small contributions to the knowledge of the forest chalcidids and proctotrupids of Sweden . Ent. Tidskr. 1, 1924, pp. 6-16
  • Contribution to the knowledge of the forest braconids , Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 197–202, 1925


Web links

Wikisource: Franz Ruschka  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. a b Dr. Franz Ruschka on ZOBODAT
  2. ^ Austrian Library Association, directory of artistic, scientific and cultural-political legacies in Austria