Franz Wilhelm Kick

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Franz Wilhelm Kick (born December 28, 1925 in Aidenbach ; † September 6, 2012 in Schwabach ) was a German teacher and politician ( SPD ).


Kick attended the Aidenbach elementary school and a humanistic grammar school. During the Second World War he was drafted into the labor and military service, most recently he worked there as an ensign . In 1946 he passed his A-levels at the Humanistic Gymnasium in Passau . He studied mathematics, physics and philosophy at the Philosophical-Theological University of Passau and the Universities of Tübingen and Munich . This was followed by his first and second state examination, a time as a trainee lawyer and a private school service. On September 1, 1952, he began his activity at the Adam-Kraft-Gymnasium in Schwabach, he was also director of studies.

One month before he started school, on August 1, 1952, Kick became a member of the SPD, for which he sat on the Schwabach city council from 1956 to 1974 and in the Bavarian state parliament from 1970 to 1982 .

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