Franz Xaver Procházka

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Franz Xaver Procházka

Franz Xaver Procházka (born November 27, 1746 in Prague ; † April 15, 1815 there ) was a Bohemian painter.


Procházka was educated by the Piarists . He received painting lessons from Johann Kastner and at the end of the 1760s from Karl Michori in Dresden . It is possible that he also went to Norbert Grund's school . Procházka accompanied the Prince von Schwarzenberg on his Grand Tour, where he had the opportunity to study in many European countries.


Franz Xaver Procházka is considered a master of night scenes. He began in the Baroque style with religious paintings and ideal landscapes, but in his maturity already belonged to Romanticism. His landscapes, which are mostly characterized by great light-dark contrasts, reflect a melancholy mood.


  • Nocturnal landscape (Kooperativa collection, Wiener Städtische Versicherung), 1811, oil on canvas, 37 × 53 cm (restituted by the National Gallery in Prague)

Paintings by Procházka can be found in the Strahov Monastery Picture Gallery in Prague.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cemetery in the mountains (fantastic landscape), Franz Xaver Procházka (1806). Retrieved March 24, 2020 .