Fred Pansing

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The passenger steamer Rotterdam

Fred Pansing (* 1844 in Bremen ; † 1912 ) was a German - American marine painter .


Fred Pansing went to sea from the age of 16. Five years after starting his seafaring career, he settled in Hoboken , where he worked as a marine and portrait painter . At times he also earned his living in New York City and Brooklyn , among other things by making name inscriptions on steamships.

From the late 1890s onwards, he mainly produced oil paintings in Jersey , which were reproduced as chromolithographs by American Lithography . Fred Pansing has received numerous orders from, for example, the Cunard Line and White Star Line . His pictures of steamships have been used for advertising posters, postcards and travel souvenirs.

Web links

Commons : Fred Pansing  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files