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Frenulum ( Latin for "ribbon") is a term from anatomy and describes a small fold in the mucous membrane .

A frenulum occurs:

  • in the oral cavity as a frenulum linguae , see tongue
  • in the oral cavity as lip frenulum on the inside of the upper and lower lip ( frenulum labii superioris or inferioris ), see lip
  • in the oral cavity as a cheek frenulum
  • on the penis between glans and foreskin ( frenulum praeputii penis ), see penis foreskin
  • on the clitoris ( frenulum clitoridis ) between the glans of the clitoris and the foreskin, see clitoris
  • at the transition between the ileum (the last section of the small intestine) and the caecum ( appendix ). It is called the ileocaecalis frenulum valvae .
  • At the transition between the brain stem and the cerebellum, the attachment of the upper medullary sail ( Frenulum veli medullaris superioris )
  • in most butterflies as a bristle on the hind wings in order to couple the two pairs of wings together at the retinaculum during flight ; see frenulum (butterfly)

See also: