Freya Stephan-Kühn

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Freya Stephan-Kühn (born September 25, 1943 in Ragnit , East Prussia ; † January 10, 2001 ) was a German pedagogue and author who was best known for her historical books for young people.


Freya Stephan-Kühn studied history and Latin philology to become a teacher until 1968 . After passing the state examination, she received her doctorate in history. From 1971 she worked initially as a history and Latin teacher, later also as a specialist in history in teacher training. In 1986 she became senior director of the Ricarda-Huch grammar school in Krefeld . She also held teaching positions at the University of Düsseldorf.

Since 1974 Freya Stephan-Kühn has published numerous didactic essays and was involved in the conception of textbooks such as the historical work Zeiten und Menschen and the Latin work Orbis Romanus . She also chaired the North Rhine-Westphalian State Association of History Teachers.

In addition, she was interested in all types of historical literature for young people and their historical source value for schools and a young readership. She herself owned an extensive collection of historical youth literature, which she made available to the public in several exhibitions.

She herself wrote numerous historical non-fiction books with which she wanted to give children a lively and creative approach to history. Your first work, have fun with the Romans! (1982) at Arena-Verlag Würzburg, was so successful that she has since been responsible for the Arena-Kinderbuch-Klassik as editor. In the following years she prepared the history of ancient Egypt, Europe, the Middle Ages and Biedermeier for her young readers in a similar way. In 1985 she was included in the honorary list of the European Youth Book Prize in Padua . She also wrote stories and narratives on various festive days.

In 1997, the state association of North Rhine-Westphalian history teachers awarded the Freya Stephan Kühn Prize for the first time . Since then, this has been awarded every two years.

Freya Stephan-Kühn succumbed to a serious illness on January 10, 2001 at the age of only 57.

Works (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Freya Stephan-Kühn. Retrieved January 5, 2017 .
  2. ^ Winner of the Freya Stephan Kühn Prize. Retrieved January 5, 2017 .