Friederike Galland

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Friederike Galland (born November 16, 1965 in Berlin ) is a German CDU politician .

After she spent her school days at Arrowhead High School in Hartland (Wisconsin) , Galland graduated from high school in Voerde in 1984 . She then completed her parent company apprenticeship at Siemens AG , which she completed in Munich in 1986 with the examination of a clerk and an industrial clerk. She then worked as a clerk in accounting and later studied law and political science. In 1993 she started working as a freelance lecturer and later as a communication trainer and personnel consultant.

Galland joined the CDU in 1990 and became a member of the CDA , the Junge Union and the Frauen-Union . From 1997 she was a member of the district executive committee of the CDU in the Wedding district , she was also deputy chairman of both the CDU local association Schillerpark and the regional association of the women's union. After working as a constituency assistant for the Bundestag member Ulf Fink in Brandenburg in 1997 , she moved into the Berlin House of Representatives in 1999 through a direct mandate in the Wedding 2 constituency , from which she left two years later due to the new elections in Berlin.

Galland worked as managing director of the LandesFrauenRats Berlin.

In 2016 she became European champion impromptu in Warsaw.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 2017
  2. European champion in impromptu speeches