Friedrich-Wilhelm Wehrstedt

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Friedrich-Wilhelm Wehrstedt (born June 26, 1907 in Bad Gandersheim , † August 18, 1977 in Bonn ) was a German administrative lawyer, most recently with the rank of ambassador and inspector for the diplomatic and consular missions of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Wehrstedt studied in Heidelberg and Goettingen jurisprudence and was 1932, the state examination. He became a member of the Göttingen and Heidelberg Wingolf . He completed his legal preparatory service at Braunschweig courts and administrative authorities. In June 1935 he passed the major state examination in Berlin . As early as 1933 he had received his Dr. jur. PhD.

From 1935 he worked as an assessor in the Braunschweig judicial service and as a lawyer. From 1936 to 1940 he was employed as a government assessor and since 1938 as a councilor in the service of the Reich Finance Administration at tax offices and regional finance offices. In 1940 he moved to the budget department of the Reich Ministry of Finance in Berlin.

After 1945 he played a major role in building up Lower Saxony's state finances and was in charge of Lower Saxony's budget as a senior government councilor until 1951 . He then moved to the Federal Foreign Office in 1952. Initially as head of the budget and finances department, from 1953 he was active as a lecturer in the first class. From 1956 he headed the administration subdivision in the personnel department and was appointed ministerial director in 1957. Two years later he became deputy head of the human resources department. In February 1961 Wehrstedt was appointed inspector for the diplomatic and consular missions of the Federal Republic of Germany and at the same time ambassador.

He later entered the service of the Evangelical Church and worked as a senior church councilor until his retirement, including as a consultant for the EKD church chancellery in Hanover .

Since 1941 Wehrstedt was with Elisabeth, geb. Haessler married and had three children with her.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Complete directory of Wingolf 1991