Friedrich Anton Rigler

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Friedrich Anton Rigler (born October 30, 1797 near Bamberg , † August 26, 1874 in Potsdam ) was a German headmaster and philologist.


After attending school in Bavaria, Rigler studied philology in Münster (Westphalia) from 1814 and with the classical philologist Friedrich Thiersch in Munich. In 1818 he was appointed as an assistant teacher by the Rheinisches Konsistorium in Cologne, and on March 30, 1818, he passed the examination pro facultate docendi at the scientific examination committee . Then he became a teacher, later second senior teacher at the higher citizen school in Cologne . In 1821 Rigler switched to the Royal Prussian Gymnasium Bonn as the first senior teacher , from where he was appointed to the Prussian Gymnasium Aachen with Catholic students in autumn 1825 and was appointed director there. Because Rigler had converted to the Protestant faith in the meantime, he was transferred to Kleve in 1827 , where he headed the mixed Royal High School in Cleve . After denominational disputes, which ended with the establishment of the Catholic Emmericher Gymnasium in 1832, he took over the directorate at the Humanist Gymnasium in Potsdam in 1836 until he retired in 1868.

Fonts (selection)

  • De Platonis Theateto commentatio . Bonn 1822.
  • De antiquissimi Romanae reipublicae temporibus . Bonn 1823. 23 p. (Bonn Gymnasium program.)
  • Platonis politia breviter descripta . Bonn 1824. 19 p. (Bonn Gymnasium program.)
  • Commentatio de Hercule et Cercopibus . Cologne 1826. 16 p. (Aachen Gymnasium program.)
  • De Manethone astrologo commentatio eiusque Apotelesmatikon . I. II. Cleve 1828. 26 p. (Cleve High School program.)
  • Leontii carminis Hermesianactei fragmentum emend. Et latin. Verse. Express etc. Cologne 1828 ( edition provided together with Moritz Karl August Axt )
  • Manethonis Apotelesmaticorum biblia sex . ed. v. Rigler / Axt, Cologne 1832. online
  • Annotationes maximam partem criticae ad poetarum latinorum, qui minores vocantur lyrica. Appendix syllogen continens animadversionum in librum Manethonis Apotelesm . Secundum. Cleve 1829. 35 p. (Cleve High School program.)
  • Annotationes maximam partem criticae ad Taciti vitam Agricolae . Cleve 1835. 37 pp. (Cleve High School Program.) ND ISBN 978-1245136884
  • Ceremonial speech in memory of the introduction of the Reformation in the Mark Brandenburg , October 31. Potsdam 1839. 14 p. (Potsdam Gymnasium program.)
  • Some thoughts on high school and real education . Potsdam 1839. 28 p. (Program Potsdam Gymn.)
  • Annotationes ad Tibullum . Part. I. Potsdam 1839. 31 p. (Potsdam Gymnasium program.)
  • Funeral speech. In memory of King Friedrich Wilhelm III . Potsdam 1840. 21 p. (Potsdam Gymnasium program.)
  • Annotationes ad Tibullum . Part. II. Potsdam 1842. 60 p. (Potsdam Gymnasium program.)
  • Annotationes ad Tibullum . Part. III. Potsdam 1844. 60 p. (Potsdam Gymnasium program.)
  • Meletemata Nonniana . Part. I – VI, Potsdam 1850–1862. (Potsdam Gymnasium program.), ND ISBN 978-1272563059


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