Friedrich Ferdinand Leopold von Seydewitz

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Friedrich Ferdinand Leopold von Seydewitz (born February 14, 1787 in Niemegk near Bitterfeld , † July 7, 1872 in Roitzsch near Sandersdorf ) was a Prussian administrative officer.

In 1816 he was a councilor in Magdeburg , in 1818 he was a secret councilor and lecturer in the ministry of education. From 1826 to 1834 he was Vice President of the Province of Saxony and then until 1848 Regional President of the Stralsund District .

Friedrich Ferdinand Leopold von Seydewitz was a member of the Freemasons Association . His box was assigned to the Great National Mother Lodge "To the Three Worlds" .


  • Reinhold Zich: The protocols of the Prussian State Ministry 1817-1934 / 38 . In: Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): Acta Borussica, new series . Vol. 1, Georg Olms, Hildesheim 2001, ISBN 978-3-487-10998-5 , p. 395 ( digitized version ).


  1. Aristocratic German Freemasons in 1817. The members of the Great National Mother Lodge for the three globes in Berlin. Institute for Nobility Research, accessed June 6, 2010 .