Oskar Beier

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Karl Emil Oskar Beier (born May 3, 1875 in Sayda ; † April 20, 1941 in Dresden-Bühlau ) was a German politician (economic party) and a member of the Reichstag.

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After attending primary school in Dresden, Beier completed a glass apprenticeship from 1889 to 1893 . Before starting his own business in 1899, he worked as a glazier's assistant in various cities across Germany. After the master's examination, which he passed in front of the glass guild in Dresden, Beier became one of the founders of the Beier und Walther glass painting establishment . In the Saxon area, work by this company can still be found in the public or sacred area, for example the so-called coat of arms window in the Saxon main state archive in Dresden, in the churches of Graupa near Dresden and the Dresden-Cottaer Heilandskirche and the Wittichenau Catholic parish church of the Assumption of Mary (Designs by Hubert Rüther ).

In 1920 Beier took over the post of chief master of the Dresden Glass Guild. In 1923 he also became the first chairman of the Association of Saxon Glass Guilds.

As a member of the Reich Party of the German Middle Classes (Economic Party ), Beier was elected to the Reichstag in December 1924 , in which he represented constituency 28 (Dresden-Bautzen) until September 1930.

Beier was a co-founder of the credit stock Sachsenkasse in the state committee of the Saxon handicrafts and the building cooperative of the Dresden handicrafts.

His youngest son was the glass painter Oskar Fritz Beier .

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