Friedrich Gustav von Stetten-Buchenbach

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Friedrich Gustav von Stetten (* 1764 , † 1808 ) was a colonel and commander of the Baden Leib Grenadier Guard.


He was the son of Carl Ernst von Stetten and joined the Baden Infantry Regiment in 1781 . As a captain he took part in the war events on the Rhine against France in 1792 and commanded the first grenadier company during the campaigns in the Netherlands . With his appointment as major in 1803, Stetten was given command of the newly established grenadier battalion, which was assigned to the Leibregiment. In 1805 he became a lieutenant colonel and in 1806, with promotion to colonel commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment. Under Stetten's orders, the regiment then took part in the 1806 and 1807 campaigns against Prussia and Sweden . For his bravery in the battle at Prussian Stargard, he was the first officer in Baden to receive the Knight's Cross of the Military Karl Friedrich Order of Merit . For the good leadership of the regiment he set up in the two campaigns mentioned above, he was later awarded the Order's Commander's Cross. In December 1807 he became commander of the Leibregiment and, in 1808, finally commander of the Leib Grenadier Guard, the 1st Baden Leib Grenadier Regiment.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Historical and genealogical book of the nobility of the Grand Duchy of Baden: 2, p.315