Friedrich Hilsmann

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Friedrich Joseph Bernhard Hilsmann (born December 28, 1808 in Rüthen ; † February 21, 1900 in Neheim ) was an early German democrat , doctor and honorary citizen of the city of Neheim .


Friedrich Hilsmann was born as the son of Rüthen City Councilor and Küsters Anton Hilsmann and his wife Bernardine, née. Becker born. The family belonged to the respected middle class. Hilsmann attended elementary school in Rüthen and from 1822 the Progymnasium in Brilon , he switched to the Theodorianum Paderborn in 1823 and stayed until 1826.

Then he enrolled as a student at the medical and surgical college in Münster. Such institutions should not train academic doctors, but surgeons with a focus on rural care. He left Münster at the end of May 1829 after the fifth semester and was considered one of the best pupils at the school. First he returned to Rüthen to take care of his sister who suffered from consumption. He continued his medical studies in Berlin and in 1829 at the University of Greifswald. Since he did not have a high school diploma and this had been a requirement for studying at a university since the beginning of the century, he attended lectures at the Philosophical Faculty to take the Tentamen Philosophicum . He was examined in the subjects of psychology, logic, chemistry, physics, botany, chemistry, mineralogy and zoology. In 1831 he submitted his doctoral thesis with the title De Chloasmatis , the doctorate took place on June 18, 1831 in Greifswald. The theme of the work was chloasma . Hilsmann himself suffered from sporadic skin discolorations, presumably skin tuberculosis .

A cholera epidemic broke out in Prussia in 1831, and it penetrated inexorably from Russia via Poland. The authorities and the medical profession had no effective means to counter this epidemic. For this reason, all state examinations were canceled, and doctors who had already obtained their doctorate could make themselves available as so-called cholera doctors. Hilsmann volunteered his service in several hospitals. He worked in Küstrin and Berlin and he was assigned to the district physician Meyer in Brandenburg an der Havel . With the help of a number of surgeons, he managed 23 hospitals and isolation wards in Westhavelland.

He passed his state examination on July 10, 1832 after the epidemic subsided. In September of the same year he settled in Neheim as a surgeon and general practitioner. During this time, typhus broke out in the village, and many poor people were affected by this disease. Hilsmann acted as a poor doctor on behalf of the city, he was paid from the poor fund. The costs for doctors and pharmacies were so high that the city was temporarily unable to pay them.

In 1833 Friedrich Hilsmann married Maria Anna Reen, a daughter of the landlord in Oelinghausen. A total of 13 children were born in the marriage, some of them died early.

Hilsmann turned down an offer as professor and hospital director in St. Petersburg in 1841. He was also politically and socially active, as one of the founders of the hunting club , he was King of the Hunters in 1846 . He became known as a red doctor and a democrat. He supported the goals of the democrats and was one of the leaders of the democratic movement. In the revolutionary year of 1848 he attached a blood-red flag to his carriage and drove through the town. In total he was a member of the magistrate and city councilor for 22 years until 1890. Also because of the action with the red flag on his carriage, he had become enemies with the conservative mayor and had arguments with him for years. Hilsmann was sentenced to two months in prison for insulting officials, which he also served.

In 1896, after 65 years, he celebrated his iron doctor anniversary and was made an honorary citizen by the city. He was affectionately known by the population as the old Doctor van Naime .


  • Hilsmann is an honorary citizen of the city of Neheim (today Arnsberg).
  • In Neheim the Hilsmannweg and the Hilsmannring are named after him.


  • Gerd Schäfer: Doctor and formerly a democrat. Dr. Friedrich Hilsmann 1808 - 1900. Honorary citizen of the city of Neheim. Edited by the Heimatbund Neheim-Hüsten. Dissel-Druck, Arnsberg 1992, ISBN 3-928394-06-1
  • Andreas Mettenleiter : Testimonials, memories, diaries and letters from German-speaking doctors. Supplements and supplements II (A – H). In: Würzburg medical history reports. 21, 2002, pp. 490-518; P. 515

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e
  2. ^ Tentamen Philosophikum
  3. Gerd Schäfer: Doctor and formerly a democrat. Dr. Friedrich Hilsmann 1808-1900 . Dissel-Druck, Arnsberg 1992, ISBN 3-928394-06-1 , p. 39
  4. Gerd Schäfer: Doctor and formerly a democrat. Dr. Friedrich Hilsmann 1808-1900 . Dissel-Druck, Arnsberg 1992, ISBN 3-928394-06-1 , p. 46 f.
  5. Gerd Schäfer: Doctor and formerly a democrat. Dr. Friedrich Hilsmann 1808-1900 . Dissel-Druck, Arnsberg 1992, ISBN 3-928394-06-1 , pp. 48-50
  6. Gerd Schäfer: Doctor and formerly a democrat. Dr. Friedrich Hilsmann 1808-1900 . Dissel-Druck, Arnsberg 1992, ISBN 3-928394-06-1 , p. 117
  7. Photo of the street sign