Friedrich Lepner

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Friedrich Lepner (also: Leppner ; * around 1633 in Königsberg (Prussia) ; † March 11, 1701 ibid) was a German physician .


Nothing is known about Lepner's parents or the exact birthday. It is believed that he was the son of the merchant in Kneiphof and chamber assessor Friedrich Lepner the Elder (* February 6, 1601, † February 28, 1664). Lepner was deposited in the registers of the University of Königsberg on April 10, 1643 . As a student he appeared in the registers of the University of Rostock in November 1652 , apparently he was back in Königsberg in 1656, where he held the Pathologiae parvae disputation under Johann Georg Strasburg and was again matriculated at the Königsberg University on April 21, 1661. Here he defended the Disputatio medica, de medicamento universali, sive chymicorum panacea under Christoph Tinctorius in April and the Disputatio medica de epilepsia under Daniel Beckher the Younger in June .

On May 30, 1662 he appears as a candidate for medicine at the University of Leiden , where he received his doctorate in medicine on July 14, 1662 and returned to the University of Königsberg in the same year. Here he had already participated in disputations as a present tense in December of the same year. There he became an associate professor at the medical faculty in 1663, rose to the third full professorship in 1670, became second professor in 1681 and first professor in 1690 at the University of Königsberg. He also took part in the organizational tasks of the Königsberg University and was rector of the Alma Mater in the winter semesters 1681/82, 1685/86, 1689/90, 1693/94 and 1697/98 .


Lepner had married Anna on October 8, 1663 (* August 11, 1647, † July 11, 1996), daughter of the court preacher Christian Dreier. There are children from the marriage. We know of these

  • Katharina (April 7, 1668 - February 10, 1669)
  • Friedrich Lepner (born March 21, 1675 - † May 26, 1700), jur. candidate
  • Christian Lepner, prom. November 20, 1692 in Leiden
  • Son NN, lived 1696
  • Son Christian Friedrich Lepner (August 4, 1665 - October 15, 1669)
  • Son NN, 1696 dead
  • Daughter NN, lives 1696
  • Daughter NN, lives 1696


  • De podagra
  • Usu lienis
  • Correpto ex insveta equitatione
  • Syncope cardiaca
  • Praecognitis medicinae
  • Affectu Alexandri M. ejusque curatione ex Curtii III. 5. 6.
  • Compendiosam introductionem in medicinam.
  • De efficacia imaginationis
  • Quae foerum fignare vel mutare dicitur
  • De erthritide
  • compendiosa in mcdicinam introductio. continens doctrinas de partibus praecipuarum humani corporis regionum, earum morbis, morborum causis, prognosi curandique ratione, ad mentem him veterum, hum recentiorum; artem medicam inventis suis illustrantium. Koenigsberg, 1669


  • Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt : Detailed and documented history of the Königsberg University. Johann Heinrich Hartung, Königsberg in Prussia, 1746, 2nd part, pp. 304, 311, 315, 326, Z 219
  • Georg Christoph Pisanski: Draft of a Prussian literary history in four books. Hartung Verlag, Königsberg, 1886, p. 373,
  • J. Gallandi: Königsberg city families. In .: Rudolf Reinicke, Ernst Wichert: Old Prussian monthly new series. Ferdinand Beyer, Königsberg in Pr. 1883, p. 35
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : General Scholar Lexicon, Darinne the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present day, and made themselves known to the learned world, After their birth, life, remarkable stories, Withdrawals and writings from the most credible scribes are described in alphabetical order. Verlag Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, Leipzig, 1750, Vol. 2, Sp. 2390
  • Jörn Barfod: Lepner, Friedrich. In: Klaus Bürger: Old Prussian Biography . (APB), Elwert, 2007, ISBN 3770813014 , Vol. 5, Part 2, pp. 1856 f.

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