Friedrich Maier (classical philologist)

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Friedrich Maier (born October 21, 1935 in Neunburg vorm Wald ) is a German classical philologist and a leading didactic specialist in ancient languages.

Friedrich Maier has taught at the University of Munich since 1961 , where he received his doctorate in 1970 . At the same time he was a lecturer for Latin classes at the Bavarian State Institute for School Education . In 1980 he was appointed senior director of studies in the university service.

From 1993 to the winter semester 2000/2001 he was a full professor for the didactics of ancient languages ​​at the Humboldt University in Berlin and played a decisive role in the reconstruction of the ancient languages ​​in the new federal states. As long-time chairman of the German Classical Philology Association (1993-2001), he campaigned for the modernization of classical language teaching at a central point and with publicity.

His three-volume work " Latin Lessons Between Tradition and Progress " (1979) shaped the specialist discussion for decades. Its numerous text editions strongly emphasize possible references to the present and the pedagogical and didactic preparation of the reading. He is the editor of the didactic Auxilia series at CC Buchner Verlag with over 50 titles. As a textbook publisher, he has published over 50 titles with the CURSUS textbook series at Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag Munich.

In 2015, Friedrich Maier was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon for his services to classical philology . The laudation was given by the Bavarian Minister of Education, Ludwig Spaenle .


Web links

Individual evidence

  3. Süddeutsche Zeitung of August 7, 2015 ( online report )
  4. Münchner Merkur of October 13, 2015 ( online report )