Friedrich Nicolas Manskopf

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Jakob Friedrich Nikolaus (Nicolas) Manskopf (born April 25, 1869 in Frankfurt am Main ; † July 1928 there ) was a collector of music, original manuscripts and devotional objects from the world of music. He donated this to the then Frankfurt Museum of Music History, which is now part of the Frankfurt University Library as the Manskopf Collection .


Friedrich Nicolas Manskopf descended from the wine merchant's family Manskopf and also took this profession. His father was the wine merchant Jakob Nikolaus Alexander Manskopf (1837-1903), his mother was his second wife Helene Marianne Kessler (1843-1923) from the Frankfurt banker family Kessler - Gontard (great-granddaughter, for example, of Susette Gontard ). Manskopf's grave is located in the Frankfurt main cemetery.

Manskopfstrasse is named after him in the Frankfurt district of Bockenheim.

Passion for collecting

As a schoolboy in Frankfurt and later during his stays abroad (1887–1888 Lyon, 1889–1890 London, 1891–1893 Paris), Manskopf began collecting memorabilia from musicians and actors: autographs and letters, printed portraits, caricatures and photos, theater slips , Concert programs, posters and curiosities like the water jug ​​from Beethoven's possession, which he supposedly used to cool his hands after playing the piano, or an umbrella from Franz Liszt. In 1892 the collection comprised 15,000 and two years later 30,000 pieces.

When Manskopf returned to Frankfurt in 1893, he set up a private museum in his own house (Untermainkai 27). He organized exhibitions on individual musicians or topics and provided loans for music and theater exhibitions.

The collection

After his death, his heirs donated the collection to the city of Frankfurt, which they incorporated into the Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild public library . The Frankfurt University Library, which has been keeping these important cultural-historical sources in its music and theater department since 1947, has digitized almost half of the total holdings and made them available for online access. Most of the digitized documents are photographs from the 19th and 20th centuries and 4,900 printed graphics, some of which come from the early modern period.


  • Friedrich Nicolas Manskopf, 1869-1928. Exhibition of the city u. University Library Frankfurt am Main, August 31 - October 6, 1978. Verlag Stadt- u. University Library, Frankfurt am Main 1978, ISBN 388131010-X .
  • Bernd Zegowitz: Friedrich Nicolas Manskopf. Wine merchant, music collector, museum director. Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 2020, ISBN 978-3-465-01328-0 .

Individual evidence

  1. Won D 294

Web links

Commons : Portraits from the Manskopf  Collection - collection of images, videos and audio files