Friedrich Ortlep

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Friedrich Ortlep (lat. Fridericus Ortlepius ) (* around 1566 in Weinheim ; † June 26, 1637 ) was a German lawyer, Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel court secretary, notary and book author.


Ortlep describes himself as 30 years old in 1596, so he was born around 1566. In 1581 he enrolled at the University of Heidelberg , where he studied law. Later he moved to Tübingen. In the meantime he was a trainee at the Imperial Court of Justice in Speyer . In 1588 he received a scholarship at the University of Helmstedt , for which he had to undertake to enter the service of the Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. After a long wait, Ortlep got a job as court secretary in Wolfenbüttel on April 26, 1597 . In this function he also worked as a " referent criminalibus ". Although Duke Heinrich Julius von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel is said to have been a "witch burner" , Friedrich Ortlep stated in 1602 that not a single "sorceress" had been burned in Wolfenbüttel in the six years he had held office so far .

Wilhelm Raabe mentioned Friedrich Ortlep in his 1859 novella Der Junker von Denow .


  • Examen Notariorum immatriculandorum , Helmstedt 1592 (several editions followed)
  • Strike of war or dishonest consideration of what a warlord can expect another people of war with in the field of his enemy and [...] if necessary abstain , 1594
  • with Simon Wolder and Heinrich Meobom: New Türckenbüchlein, the like not printed before this time , Zerbst 1595
  • Freyens or wedding form , Frankfurt am Main 1597
  • Thoroughly detailed and thorough report on the mutiny, so the day before the birth of the Virgin on the day of [...] Nieder Eltern am Rhein, Sept. 7, 1599 [...] under Prince Heinrichen Julii, postulated bishop of the Stiffts Halberstadt and Hertzieh zu Braunschweig and Lüneburgk, enlisted Teutscher Knechte regiment raised and nursed like the same , Wolfenbüttel 1600

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