Friedrich Reisch

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Friedrich Reisch (born October 24, 1881 in Frankfurt am Main , † February 18, 1921 in Munich ) was a German musician and classical philologist .


After graduating from the municipal grammar school in Frankfurt, Reisch studied classical philology and linguistics in Bonn and Berlin. a. with Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff , Anton Elter and Felix Solmsen , with whom he wrote his doctoral thesis. From October 1, 1907 to September 30, 1915 he worked on the Thesaurus linguae Latinae , at the same time he was solo repetitor at the Munich National Theater. Then he was Kapellmeister in Lübeck, Rostock and from October 1919 back in Munich. From May 1, 1920 until his death he was again active at the Thesaurus linguae Latinae.

He also composed: Wilhelm Furtwängler performed a Reisch symphony on March 5, 1919 in Mannheim. In the same year, his incidental music for the drama Herakles by Frank Wedekind was performed in Munich . Three works for piano four hands have been published by Tonger Verlag in Cologne.

Reisch married Marie Margarete Gabriel Pidoll zu Quintenbach (born September 13, 1880) on January 22, 1911 and had two sons with her: Matthäus (born May 1912) and Paul (born August 1913). With his wife he was in the society of Hedwig Pringsheim , where he played regularly. There he met Thomas Mann , whom Reisch could have served as a model for Serenus Zeitblom , the narrator in Doctor Faustus. Reisch died unexpectedly as a result of an operation. His musical legacy is in the university library of the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.


  • De adiectivis graecis in -ιος , Bonn, 1907.
  • Three works for piano for 4 hands . PJ Tonger Verlag, Cologne, 1920.


Rudolf Bonnet: The Lessing High School in Frankfurt am Main. Teacher and pupil 1897–1947 . Publishing house Dr. Waldemar Kramer, Frankfurt am Main, 1954, p. 42.

Individual evidence

  1. F. Reisch, De adiectivis Graecis in -ios , 1907 S. 71st
  2. ^ Haffter, H., Musical Matters in the Early Period of the Thesaurus linguae Latinae. Yearbook of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, 1981, p. 73.
  3. Dietfried Krömer, Manfred Flieger (ed.), Thesaurus stories. Contributions to a Historia Thesauri linguae Latinae by Theodor Bögel (1876–1973), Leipzig, 1996, p. 202.
  4. ^ Haffter, H., Musical Matters in the Early Period of the Thesaurus linguae Latinae. in: Yearbook of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, 1981, p. 75.
  5. Hedwig Pringsheim: Diaries Volume 6, 1917-1922 . Edited and commented by Cristina Herbst, Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, 2017, p. 776.
  6. Schoeck, Georg, Friedrich Reisch - a role model for Serenus Zeitblom? A marginal note on Thomas Mann's novel Doctor Faustus . In: NZZ , Vol. 205, No. 51 (March 1, 1984), Feuilleton, p. 34.
  7. Hedwig Pringsheim: Diaries Volume 6, 1917-1922 . Edited and commented by Cristina Herbst, Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, 2017, p. 36.