Friedrich Rosler

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Friedrich Rosler (born December 31, 1855 in Agnetheln in Transylvania , Romania ; † October 10, 1943 in Agnetheln) was a Romanian-German dialect poet and author . He belonged to the German-speaking minority of the Transylvanian Saxons in today's Romania.

Rosler spent most of his life in his birthplace and hometown Agnetheln (Romanian Agnita ). There he worked both in his profession as an evangelical ordained preacher teacher and as a poet and author of texts in Transylvanian-Saxon . In addition, he was temporarily editor of the Agnethler Wochenblatt . In addition, he dealt with the history of the place and published some writings on it.

Fritz Rosler was married and had six children with his wife. He died of old age at the age of 87 and was buried in the Agnetheln cemetery. His grandson was the journalist, writer and radio editor Bernhard Ohsam (1926–2001).



  • Only patience. Folk piece with singing in 3 acts, is performed in Saxon dialect. Schmid & Co., Agnetheln 1922, OCLC 312488840 .
  • Funny poems in Saxon dialect. Selected by Marianne Folberth and Helga Lutsch. Published by the Heimatortsgemeinschaft Agnetheln (HOG Agnetheln). HOG Agnetheln, Heilbronn 1996, DNB 1002274583 .


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Individual evidence

  1. Comment: Historical information on the “preacher teachers in Transylvanian communities” can be found below. a. in: Cornelia Schlarb: Tradition in Transition. The Evangelical Lutheran congregations in Bessarabia 1814–1940. Böhlau Verlag, Cologne u. a. 2007, ISBN 3-41218-206-0 , pp. 337, 345-347, 559, 570.
  2. a b Bernddieter Schobel: Friedrich Rosler: Der uerem Tatar . In: Siebenbürgische Zeitung of March 16, 2006, ISSN  0488-7883 (online at; accessed on February 12, 2015.
  3. a b See information on Friedrich Rosler (1855–1943) in the local family book Agnetheln (online at, at; accessed on February 12, 2015.