Friedrich Wenz

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Friedrich Ludwig Wenz (born September 30, 1875 in Königsbach ; † May 18, 1954 in Pforzheim ) was a German administrative officer.


Friedrich Wenz, son of a businessman, studied law at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen, among others . In 1896 he became a member of the Corps Borussia Tübingen . After taking the first state examination in 1899 and the second state examination in 1903, he joined the Baden interior administration in June 1903. In the same year he also became a member of the National Liberal Party. In 1908 he was appointed bailiff at the Heidelberg district office . From 1914 to November 1918, he took part in the First World War as a soldier . During the war he was promoted to senior bailiff in 1917. In 1919 he was appointed head of the Triberg District Office and joined the German Democratic Party . After the dissolution of the Triberg district office, he became district administrator in Villingen in 1924 . In the same year he became a member of the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold . In 1932 he moved to the Pforzheim district as a district administrator . In the same year he resigned from the German Democratic Party and the Reichsbanner. In 1933 he joined the NSDAP . At the beginning of July 1945 he was suspended by the French military government. In October 1945, his formal retirement was rejected by the American military government. From 1946 he received provisional pension payments. In 1950 he was finally retired.


  • Wolfram Angerbauer (Red.): The heads of the upper offices, district offices and district offices in Baden-Württemberg from 1810 to 1972 . Published by the working group of the district archives at the Baden-Württemberg district assembly. Theiss, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-8062-1213-9 , pp. 577-578 .
  • Michael Ruck : Corps Spirit and State Consciousness: Officials in the German Southwest 1928 to 1972 , Oldenbourg Verlag, 1996, p. 82 ( digitized version )

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corp lists 1960, 126/207.