Friedrich Wilhelm von Eisenberg

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Friedrich Wilhelm von Eisenberg (1685–1764), also called Friedrich Wilhelm Baron Reis de 'Eisenberg, was a German riding and stable master who wrote important specialist literature and created remarkable illustrations for it.


He spent his youth as a rider in the service of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach . Then he lived for six years in Naples , where he was temporarily riding and stable master at the court of the viceroy of Naples , Wirich Philipp von und zu Daun . He then went to Vienna , where he under the stable master of the Riding School , Johann Christoph Regner, Edler von Regenthal , learned and was decisively influenced by this, and where he riding teacher of the future Emperor Franz I was. Von Eisenberg then went to England for a few years, where he published the book The Art of Riding a Horse in 1727 , which became a standard work and appeared in several languages ​​over the decades. Also in England, he made 55 gouaches showing lessons of the high school carried out by Henry Herbert, 10th Earl of Pembroke . These gouaches are still part of the Wilton House collection today .

Von Eisenberg then returned to the Habsburg lands and headed the Pisa riding school in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany . In 1753 he published in Florence a bilingual (Italian, French) book against the deception of the Roses , which was published posthumously in 1780 by the Saxon riding and stable master Johann Friedrich Rosenzweig in German and with his additions.


  • Description du Manége Moderne, dans sa perfection, expliqué par des leçons necessaires, et representé par des figures exactes, depuis l'assiette de l'homme à cheval jusqu'à l'arrest accompagné aussi de divers mords pour bien brider les chevaux, ecrit et dessiné par le baron d'Eisenberg, et gravé par B. Picart. London, 1727.
  • Dictionnaire des Termes du manége Moderne, Pour servir de Supplément à l'Art de Monter a Cheval. 1747.
  • La perfezione ei difetti del cavallo / Antimaquignonage, pour éviter la surprise dans l'emplette des chevaux. Florence, 1753.
    • German translation: The Baron von Eisenberg discovered the horse-maker arts to avoid fraud when buying horses, with comments, explanations and additions by Johann Friedrich Rosenzweig . Leipzig 1780.


Individual evidence

  1. Oesterreichisches Nobility Lexicon of the 18th and 19th centuries (supplementary volume) ..., Volume 2, Vienna 1824, p. 418. [1]
  2. ^ ADAC travel guide for southern England. Munich, 2007. p. 64.
  3. Dorin Williams: The Classic Riding Master: The Eisenberg Collection in Wilton House, presented and explained by Dorian Williams. Berlin-Hamburg 1980. ISBN 3-489-62232-4
  4. ^ Giovanni Battista Tomassini, in the preface to The Art of Riding a Horse, Or Description of Modern Manege: In Its Perfection , Xenophon Press, 2015.