Friedrich Wilhelm von Printzen

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Friedrich Wilhelm von Printzen, engraving by Johann Friedrich Bause , after 1760

Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Printzen (born January 27, 1719 in Berlin ; † September 24, 1773 in Carow ) was a royal Prussian secret war council. He was designated Commander of the Order of St. John in Lietzen , holder of the Württemberg Great Hunting Order and heir to Gut Karow near Genthin, Seedorf, Nielbock, Gollwitz , Alt- and Neu- Schollene , Parey (Havel), Grütz, Ferchels, Siepe, Caputh and Nierow.



His parents were the Oberhofmarschall and Minister of State Marquard Ludwig von Printzen (1675-1725) and his wife Dorothea Sophie von Schlippenbach.

Military career

He had received a good education at the high school and went on a cavalier tour. Under King Friedrich Wilhelm I he came to the infantry regiment in Potsdam , where he rose to lieutenant. He was supposed to be in the diplomatic service, but with the death of the king an already planned mission was canceled. Under Friedrich II he rose to the secret council of war. He became a member of the Kurmärkische Landschaft and Stadt-Kassen. On August 30, 1742 he received the Württemberg Great Hunting Order. On September 14, 1762 he was accepted into the influential Order of St. John. He died after 30 years of service to the king; his death was deeply regretted because of his particular righteousness.


In March 1741 he married Susanne Benedigte von Meyer (* February 24, 1722), the daughter of the Danish lieutenant general and authorized minister at the Prussian court, Benedikt von Meyer. From this marriage comes the heiress Elisabeth Luise Sophie (* June 22, 1742 - † August 24, 1811), she married the court marshal Friedrich Heinrich Ferdinand von Wartensleben on December 3, 1762 (* April 24, 1740; † December 28, 1776), a son of Lieutenant General Leopold Alexander von Wartensleben (1710–1775) .


In 1748 he was accepted into the lodge to the three globes , where he held the office of lodge master several times . He made great contributions to the reunification of the three Berlin lodges and was Grand Master of the Masonic Tribunal .


  • Continued new genealogical-historical news of the most distinguished events that happened at the European courts, volume 74, p. 595f digitized
  • Johann G. Dienemann, Nachrichten vom Johanniterorden, especially from its Herrenmeisterthum , p. 282, family tree

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 752 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. ^ Robert A. Minder: Freemason Politicians Lexicon, study publisher; Page 292, Innsbruck 2004, 350 pages, ISBN 3-7065-1909-7
  3. ^ Franz August O'Etzel : History of the Great National Mother Lodge of the Prussian States called To the Three Worlds, together with a report on the founding and effectiveness of the charities , Berlin, print: Mittler, 1875, p. 495