Frigyes Berecz

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Frigyes Berecz (born March 20, 1933 in Budapest ; † December 7, 2005 ibid) was a Hungarian economic manager and politician of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) , who, among other things, was general director of the state telecommunications company Beloiannisz Híradástechnikai Gyár (BHG) for several years. , Vice Prime Minister from 1986 to 1987 and then Minister of Industry between 1987 and 1989.


After attending school, Berecz completed a two-year training course from 1947 to 1949 and then worked as an industrial mechanic. He was then a graduate of the officers' school and then a technical officer in the Hungarian People's Army (Magyar Néphadsereg) until the 1956 popular uprising . After retiring from active military service, he became an electrician at the telecommunications company Beloiannisz Híradástechnikai Gyár (BHG), which was based in Beloiannisz and was nationalized in 1948 , and which mainly produced radio sets. In addition, he began studying electrical engineering at the Technical University of Budapest BME (Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem) , which he completed in 1964 with a diploma as an electrical engineer. During this time he joined the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) in 1962 .

Berecz then resumed his work at BHG, where he was first engineer in 1964, then plant manager in 1966 and, after completing another degree in industrial engineering at BME, chief engineer of a production unit in 1969 and then technical director in 1976. After an additional evening course in political economy at the Karl Marx University for Economics MKKE (Marx Károly Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetem) he was on March 27, 1980 on the XII. Party Congress elected member of the Central Committee (ZK) of the MSZMP and 1981 General Director of Beloiannisz Híradástechnikai Gyár .

On December 30, 1986, Berecz became deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers in the government of György Lázár and held this position as Vice-Prime Minister in the government of Prime Minister Károly Grósz until December 16, 1987. He then took over in the Grósz cabinet after a government reshuffle From December 16, 1987, László Kapolyi held the office of Minister of Industry (Ipari Miniszter) and held this position in the government of Prime Minister Miklós Németh until he was replaced by Ferenc Horváth on May 10, 1989. In June 1988 he was on a working visit in of the GDR and met for an exchange of views with the 1st Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the GDR, Werner Krolikowski . At the same time he was in 1987 chairman of the economic inspectorate (Gazdaságfelügyeleti Bizottság) .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Németh Cabinet
  2. ↑ Exchange of views with the Hungarian Minister of Industry. Interview between Werner Krolikowski and Frigyes Berecz . In: Neues Deutschland from June 7, 1988