Fritz Grieshaber

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Fritz Grieshaber (born February 19, 1899 in Weilersbach ; died April 12, 1968 in Trier ) was a German administrative assistant and local politician ( KPD ).


Fritz Grieshaber was a member of the KPD and from 1929 to 1932 an elected member of the Trier city council and chairman of his parliamentary group. 1931 was chairman of the works council at the municipal civil engineering office. He was sentenced to three years in prison in 1936 for preparing for high treason for illegal party work . His wife Katharina received two years in prison. Then he and his comrades were taken to the Buchenwald concentration camp . In 1946 he was again for the KPD in the city council in Trier. Grieshaber was expelled from the party. He then gave up his political activity and died on April 12, 1968 in Trier.


  • Eberhard Klopp: History of the Trier workers' movement. A German example . Volume 3. Short Biographies 1836–1933 . 2nd ext. Editions trèves, Trier 1979. ISBN 3-88081-099-0 , p. 45.
  • Eberhard Klopp: Grieshaber, Fritz . In: Heinz Monz (ed.): Trier biographical lexicon . Landesarchivverwaltung, Koblenz 2000, ISBN 3-931014-49-5 , p. 144.

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Individual evidence

  1. Hans Eiden , Nikolaus Lieser, Jakob Prunk, Matthias Schneider and Christoph Wagner.