Frog story

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Original title Frog story
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1972
length 15 minutes
Director Ron Satlof
script Raynold Gideon
Ron Satlof
production Ron Satlof
music Richard Hieronymus
camera Edward R. Plante
cut Gary Griffin

Frog Story is a 1972 American comedy short film directed by Ron Satlof .


After visiting a bar where he was constantly looking at a painting of a naked woman, Harry finds a frog on the sidewalk. The frog, speaking with a woman's voice, asks him to be taken along, Harry won't regret it either. Although Harry initially believes in a hidden camera prank, he takes the frog home with him, lays him in his bed, covers him up, and finally kisses him when the frog asks. The frog becomes a beautiful woman. Harry can't enjoy the sight for long, as his wife announces herself. The frog woman transforms back into a frog and Harry hides him in the bathroom. At night he sneaks out of the bedroom to the frog, who turns into a woman again. The intimate togetherness is disturbed again by Harry's wife, who fetches a glass of water in the bathroom.

The next morning Harry leaves the frog in the bathroom because he has to go to work. There he reads himself into amphibians and hurries back home. He wants to travel with the frog woman and is already packing his things, but can no longer find the frog in the house. His wife says she took the frog to a pet store. Harry rushes to the pet shop, where numerous frogs are sitting in a terrarium. He asks his frog to jump up as a sign of identification, but then all the frogs jump loose. Harry simply buys all of the frogs in the pet store. At home he starts kissing all the frogs, and his wife, who happens to come into the room, is upset.


Frog Story is based on an idea by André Demir . In the end credits, the producers thank the Dimsdales Restaurants and Morgi's House of Pizza, where scenes from the film were made, as well as their “many friends and frogs, without whom the film could not have been made” (“The producers wish to thank […] our many friends and frogs, without whom this film would not have been possible ”). The film was first shown in 1972.


Frog Story was nominated for an Oscar in 1973 for Best Short Film.

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