Foot jewelry

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Foot commonly referred to any form of jewelry that the foot is worn or ankle. Often this happens in the form of chains or rings .


Foot jewelry is an essential part of many ancient cultures. Around 800 BC Until the beginning of the modern era, the Celts have worn anklets or anklets for men and women and this is documented by grave finds. Since products of the blacksmithing art of that time could not be owned by everyone, these pieces of jewelry were considered a sign of wealth .

Golden anklets have also been found in the grave openings of Egyptian pharaohs.

Historical meaning

The importance of foot jewelry as a special symbol of luxury and wealth (even more so than arm or neck jewelry) probably stems from the beginnings of this form of jewelry. The massive rings and tires that were widespread prevented the wearer from walking or running. Thus, only those who were not dependent on walking for a living but could have others work for them could afford to wear such jewelry.


Toe rings from the wide range of foot jewelry

There are different characteristics depending on the cultural area . For example, foot jewelry has a long tradition in India . There you will find very lavishly designed chains, which are often provided with bells and are especially worn during cultural rituals. For example, at a wedding, the groom is put on the same anklet as his wife, but the groom usually takes it off after the wedding celebrations.

In the Islamic world, foot jewelry is still very common today; it is standard equipment for belly dancers .

In the western cultural area, the foot jewelry has no cultural history and therefore often has a subtle function. Chains made of gold or silver are often worn around the ankle , but there are also braided fabric or leather straps. Indian jewelry, anklets or anklets are rarely worn. Toe rings are also considered foot jewelry . These are rings made of gold or silver that are worn on one or more toes .


Another variant of the foot decoration is the tattoo . Tattoos on the ankle are common, most often these are motifs placed on one side of the ankle. A stronger form of this is ankle bands that are tattooed around the ankle. Tattoos on the back of the foot are rare, and even more rare on the soles of the feet.

Gender specific

Foot jewelry in all forms is mainly worn by women. Foot jewelry is rare in men, but it is becoming more and more common. If it is worn, then more in the form of fabric or leather straps, gold or silver chains.