Pilgrimage on foot from Kottenheim to Bornhofen

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The annual foot pilgrimage to Bornhofen is part of the religious tradition of the Catholics in Kottenheim .


The first foot pilgrimage from Kottenheim to the miraculous image of the Sorrowful Mother of God in the Bornhofen monastery is documented in 1695 . Since 1719 the people of Kottenheim have been making a pilgrimage to Bornhofen on September 7th every year for the birth of Mary on September 8th.


The pilgrimage starts early in the morning on September 7th, after a pilgrimage in the parish church of St. Nikolaus , at the cemetery of Kottenheim. This is where the brother masters greet the pilgrims . The route leads via Hausen and Nettesürsch to Polch. There breakfast is taken in a restaurant. It continues via Grappenach and Küttig to Kalt. A short rest follows at the Kalter Kappelchen. Passing the Kehr chapel, it goes through the nightingale valley to Löf. Alken can be reached via the Moselle bridge. In the shooting hall, the pilgrims can expect lunch from the local shooting society. Then a steep ascent leads to Pfaffenheck. After an equally steep descent, the Bopparder Mühltal is reached. In Boppard, the group of pilgrims crossed the river to Bornhofen on the other side of the Rhine, where they made their ceremonial entry into the monastery church. After dinner in one of the local restaurants, pilgrims who do not want to spend the night in Bornhofen have the option of returning to Kottenheim by bus.

On September 8th there is an offer to travel by bus from Kottenheim to the High Mass for Mary's Birth in Bornhofen. After the morning mass, lunch at Liebenstein Castle above Bornhofen. In the late afternoon they all return to Kottenheim by bus. There the pilgrims are already expected at the train station. This ties in with the past when you returned by ship to Andernach and from there by train to Kottenheim. Pilgrims and many citizens of Kottenheim move from the train station to the parish church for the festive closing service. The priest is presented with white and red grapes. After the fair, the "Bornhofenwecken" will be distributed by the brother masters.

Number of participants

171 1894 149 1914 120 1934 125 1954 106 1974 125 1994 75 2014
208 1895 102 1915 132 1935 108 1955 148 1975. 93 1995 69 2015
183 1896 127 1916 91 1936 120 1956 95 1976 103 1996 68 2016
186 1897 129 1917 86 1937 170 1957 91 1977 101 1997 76 2017
169 1898 189 1918 84 1938 118 1958 118 1978. 92 1998 75 2018
171 1899 156 1919 59 1939 137 1959 141 1979 100 1999 72 2019
1900 142 1920 146 1940 109 1960 181 1980 102 2000
186 1901 116 1921 149 1941 106 1961 128 1981 101 2001
206 1902 122 1922 79 1942 97 1962 144 1982 101 2002
158 1903 107 1923 95 1943 131 1963 124 1983 100 2003
162 1904 168 1924 2 1944 83 1964 126 1984 84 2004
131 1905 68 1925 114 1945 81 1965 175 1985 75 2005
136 1906 111 1926 172 1946 101 1966 187 1986 88 2006
180 1907 131 1927 187 1947 94 1967 148 1987 92 2007
153 1908 124 1928 150 1948 112 1968 164 1988 92 2008
95 1909 136 1929 126 1949 117 1969 126 1989 69 2009
98 1910 141 1930 108 1950 67 1970 128 1990 80 2010
101 1911 73 1931 120 1951 106 1971 153 1991 88 2011
131 1912 77 1932 157 1952 92 1972 98 1992 78 2012
141 1913 74 1933 125 1953 84 1973 96 1993 78 2013


Initially two brothers and sisters were responsible for the organization of the pilgrimage, but since 1954 this task has been carried out by four brothers. On the crossing by ship from Boppard to Bornhofen, a new brother master is elected from among the male pilgrims. His term of office is four years.

List of Brother Masters

Mathias Montebaur 1856 Anton Ott 1926 Alfons Lung 1996
Nikolaus Schmitz 1857 Johann Hoffmann 1927 Karl Ernst Weiler 1997
Caspar Pickel 1858 Klemens Hoffmann 1928 Erich Weiler 1998
Johann Montebaur 1859 Peter Weber 1929 Thomas May 1999
Josef Busch 1860 Anton Lung 1930 Christoph Klink 2000
Michael May 1861 Servatius Winniger 1931 Frank Heuft 2001
Jakob Schmitz 1862 Albert Hoffmann 1932 Wolfgang Bell 2002
Johann-Josef Mannebach 1863 Johann Milles 1933 Claudius Engelhardt 2003
Johann Kehrig 1864 Johann Mannebach 1934 Thomas Hoffmann 2004
Mathias Moog 1865 Georg May 1935 Johannes Nell 2005
Anton shield 1866 Julius Kehrig 1936 Peter Mohr 2006
Anton Kleff 1867 Albert Jünger 1937 Thomas Röckelein 2007
Nikolaus Weiler 1868 Anton Kaes 1938 Hansi Bell 2008
Johann May 1869 Felix Schmitz 1939 Franz-Peter Seifert 2009
Paul Moog 1870 Clemens Haupt 1940 Guido Walter 2010
Johann Moog 1871 Peter Lung 1941 Christoph Konrad 2011
Christoph Pickel 1872 Josef Schmitz 1942 Thomas Konrad 2012
Peter Schmitz 1873 Peter Minkes 1943 Guido Weber 2013
Johann Schönberg 1874 1944 Alexander Drefs 2014
Johann Elzer 1875 Franz Lung 1945 Dr. Martin Hoffmann 2015
Peter-Josef Pies 1876 Josef Milles 1946 Marcus Ott 2016
Clemens Schmitz 1877 Toni Milles 1947 Christoph Kranz 2017
Nikolaus Müller 1878 Alois Henzgen 1948 Simon Kaiser 2018
Cornel Moog 1879 Anton Eultgem 1949 Mathias Hoffmann 2019
Johann-Wilhelm Montebaur 1880 Karl Schlich 1950
Wilhelm Minkes 1881 Kornel Milles 1951
Clemens Mannebach 1882 Josef Konrad 1952
Anton Mannebach 1883 Clemens Hilger 1953
Mathias Hoffmann 1884 Walter Spitzlei 1954
Mathias Bell 1885 Anton Petzenhausen 1955
Johann-Georg Mannebach 1886 Richard Hilger 1956
Carl-Joseph May 1887 Heinrich locks 1957
Georg Schmitz 1888 Ferdinand Höhnen 1958
Cornel Mürlebach 1889 Heinrich Nell 1959
Johann Bell 1890 Ernst Weiler 1960
Johann-Josef Nell 1891 Theo Kohlhaas 1961
Cornel Bell 1892 Walter Elzer 1962
Johann Schmitz 1893 Franz-Josef Lung 1963
Georg Lung 1894 Cornelius Büsch 1964
Johann-Josef Mannebach 1895 Willi knowledge 1965
Clemens Hilger 1896 Karl Braunstein 1966
Michael Sattler 1897 Michael Gedak 1967
Peter Eich 1898 Robert Schnoor 1968
Jakob Mürlebach 1899 Walter Schweitzer 1969
Johann Herschbach 1900 Alois Hoffmann 1970
Johann Schmitz 1901 Alois knowledge 1971
Mathias Bell 1902 Günther Thomas 1972
Wilhelm Sattler 1903 Walter shield 1973
Mathias Pickel 1904 Benedikt Schäfer 1974
Nikolaus Hilger 1905 Willi Müller 1975
Johann-Josef Montebaur 1906 Rolf Pleinen 1976
Mathias Leimbach 1907 Hermann-Josef Bernert 1977
Johann Lung 1908 Karl-Heinz Bell 1978
Georg Lung 1909 Alois Haupt 1979
Johann May 1910 Klaus Mohr 1980
Ferdinand Kloos 1911 Heinz Geisbüsch 1981
Anton Leimbach 1912 Bernhard Kaiser 1982
Johann Mannebach 1913 Hans-Paul Gerharz 1983
Klemens Bell 1914 Heinz Halft 1984
Nikolaus Kleff 1915 Josef Moog 1985
Josef Luxem 1916 Helmut Kehrig 1986
Nicholas May 1917 Hans-Peter Loosen 1987
Jakob Konrad 1918 Werner Germer 1988
Michael Schoenberg 1919 Egon Weber 1989
Franz Pickel 1920 Rudolf Weiler 1990
Johann May 1921 Bernd Kehrig 1991
Anton Schoenberg 1922 Jürgen Steffens 1992
Georg Milles 1923 Dr. Alexander juicy 1993
Nikolaus Weber 1924 Axel Pickel 1994
Josef Mohr 1925 Franz-Josef Krechel 1995


  • Dr. Alexander Saftig : History of the Bornhofen pilgrimage in Kottenheim to the painful Mother of God . 3. Edition. Self-published, Kottenheim 2006.

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