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The fugacity or is a quantity from physics that is defined differently depending on the subject.

Statistical Physics

In statistical physics , which forms the basis of thermodynamics, fugacity is defined as a dimensionless function of chemical potential and temperature :


The fugacity is therefore equal to the absolute activity . Fugacity appears as a factor in the transition from the canonical sum of states , which describes systems with a constant number of particles , to the grand-canonical sum of states , which is suitable for describing systems with a variable number of particles:


In thermodynamics , fugacity is an intense state variable that has the unit of pressure (e.g. Pascal ). It was first introduced by Gilbert Newton Lewis as the "escaping tendency"; the name was shortened to "fugacity" by himself. It describes the tendency of a substance to leave a phase (fugare, Latin for "flee").


The fugacity is introduced via the pressure dependence of the specific Gibbs energy .

For an ideal gas applies (because of its equation of state and the fundamental equation of the Gibbs energy) at a isothermal state change from a print to :


The fugacity is defined in such a way that the following applies to a real fluid (with any reference fugacity ):

Subtracting the first equation from the second gives:

If the reference pressure (index 0) is now allowed to approach zero, the difference between real and ideal Gibbs energy disappears; on the right-hand side, reference fugacity and pressure merge:

Instead of the fugacity, the dimensionless fugacity coefficient is used more often :

which is defined in multi- substance systems via the partial pressure ( is the proportion of the amount of substance ):

About the relationship


the fugacity can be calculated from measured values ​​or with an equation of state .

Criterion for phase equilibria

The fugacity, like the chemical potential, is a criterion for a phase equilibrium : if the fugacity of a component is the same in all phases present (but not the fugacity of different components in the same phase), then these phases are in equilibrium:

From this condition the following relationship for vapor-liquid equilibria can be derived, with which z. B. Calculate phase diagrams for the design of rectification columns , which is therefore of great importance in process engineering :

Stand by

With the exponential term, the Poynting factor , the deviation from the vapor pressure is taken into account; it is often very close to one and is then neglected. The fugacity coefficient on the right takes into account the non-ideality of the vapor phase.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ GN Lewis: The Law of Physico-Chemical Change. In: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Jun., 1901), pp. 49-69, doi : 10.2307 / 20021635 .