Fundación César Manrique

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Entrance area
Outside terrace looking west
Mural in the garden
Central showroom
Lava garden with pool
The red salon in one of the lava bubbles

The César Manrique Foundation ( Foundation César Manrique ) is located in the former home of the artist in Tahiche , a town in the municipality of Teguise , geographically approximately in the middle of to Spain belonging Canary Island of Lanzarote , his native island.


The foundation was established by Manrique and a group of friends in 1982 and was officially inaugurated in March 1992. The foundation is a private, cultural foundation that is financially self-sustaining, does not pursue a profit-making purpose, and arose from the mandate of promoting and disseminating artistic activity and its natural and cultural environment. In order to meet its goals, the Manrique Foundation develops exchange programs in the fields of art, environment and culture. The foundation is not only intended as a forum for exhibitions, but also for studies and debates. It deals with the preservation, research and dissemination of the complete works of Manrique.

The main purpose of the building today is the museum. The renovation to this effect has been led in its entirety by Manrique himself. Walls and interiors were adapted to display pictures and sculptures . In 1992 the two floors were connected with an external basalt staircase to create a tour for visitors. The garden with the pond and the mural was created between winter 1991 and spring 1992. The museum houses the foundation's contemporary collection as well as a collection of contemporary Canarian art. At the exit you can admire an extensive collection of his paintings “Colección Manrique”.

Building description

Today the foundation is housed in the artist's house and the associated farm buildings. The entire complex was redesigned by Manrique himself in order to adapt it to its new function as a museum. The house stands on 30,000 square meters of land that stretches over a lava flow that originated from the volcanic eruptions of 1730-1736. The building is built over five large volcanic bubbles and consists of two floors. The living area is 1800 m², plus 1200 m² of terraces and garden and 2900 m² of parking space.

The traditional architecture of Lanzarote can be seen on the upper floor. Modern elements such as wide glass surfaces and generous open spaces were added. This used to be the living room, kitchen (today the graphic work), a lounge, the “Epacios” room, a guest room, Manrique's bedroom (now the “Bocetos” room) and a bathroom with integrated green areas. The lower floor extends over five natural volcanic bubbles that are connected by cave passages. There is a relaxation area, a swimming pool and a small dance floor with typical vegetation . The painter's former studio can be visited there. A bar and a shop are located in former garages.


  • Manrique, César, Arquitectura inédita
  • Lancelot Internacional, Especial: César Manrique, Lanzarote , 3rd Revisada 1996, Lanzarote. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Alemán. (Special edition of the Lancelot Group magazine: César Manrique, Lanzarote , 3rd edition 1996, Lanzarote. Languages: Spanish, English and German)

Web links

Commons : Fundación César Manrique  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 29 ° 0 '9.4 "  N , 13 ° 32" 49.9 "  W.